The narrative being constructed here is a fascinated but disturbing one. Consider the pattern on display:
Sovereignty activists unseat the old Republican guard and take control of the party through Trump during the 2016 election while pushing “populism” to the forefront of the mainstream. They supplant the social justice left who thought they had the world in the palm of their hand. In response, the left goes even more insane; searching for meaning in a world that obviously does not want them, they come to the realization that not only did they run the worst possible candidate in 2016 (Clinton), but their platform was not “extreme enough”. They now plan to not only take down Trump by any means necessary, but they also plan to break down their own “old guard” and rebuild the Democratic party into something openly communist (rather than closet communist).
Of course, this narrative is not reality. Trump didn’t push out the old guard neo-con Republicans. In fact, the elites run his administration today through globalist agents like Bolton, Pompeo, Ross, and Mnuchin. The Trump Administration, while perhaps rebellious in its rhetoric, has done nothing to “drain the swamp” in Washington DC. The left is rebelling against a fantasy. There was no populist takeover of the US government; there are no champions for liberty, free markets and individual sovereignty in the White House. Is was all a con game.
But who benefits from the con? The globalists, of course, but how does the “green deal” left play into the scheme?
I suspect that the leftists will find themselves in a similar position as liberty conservatives down the road as the “green new deal” is forced into the mainstream consciousness. With “socialists” like Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez receiving more public and media attention than ever, it is clear that there is an agenda by the establishment to generate manufactured excitement over socialist/communist policies. To be clear, the way our system operates today is ALREADY quite socialist, with big government interference in almost every aspect of business and life. However, the green new deal represents a full blown Marxist approach to government control. It is essentially soviet level communism, repackaged as environmental socialism.
The Democrats are about to have their own fake internal revolution, which the elites plan to control just as they have controlled Trump’s “takeover” of the Republican Party.