Any and EVERY citizen of this country should be incensed at this attempt to give away OUR country…. the one we citizens built thru our lifetimes… to the rest of the world that wants our ‘stuff’ without working for it or following the rules.
The Democrats socialist leftists want to pick our carcasses clean and keep inviting more and more vultures.
AMERICA! WAKE UP! I fear we born Americans have already been overwhelmed at the voting box. I suspect the rage among middle america that voted for Trump will show up at the ballot box… at least I hope so. If not…. we are doomed. Everybody wants our ‘free stuff’. Well… it’s NOT YOURS.
“Green New Deal?” NO DEAL!! I’m keeping my Green… the stuff I worked my lifetime for.
How the hell can we press treason charges against these idiots when the swamp creatures are all on their side? I suspect the next election will foment civil war. We are almost there now.