We got back all the losses from yesterday. Then again, Monday’s are always dangerous days to be holding anything pm.
Nonetheless, I’ll take whatever gains the scum is willing to give us.
We got back all the losses from yesterday. Then again, Monday’s are always dangerous days to be holding anything pm.
Nonetheless, I’ll take whatever gains the scum is willing to give us.
Continental Gold Announces Fully Subscribed US$175 Million Financing Package Backed by Newmont Mining and Triple Flag
this country needs martial law before it is torn apart by the leftists=open borders-anyone. can vote without i.d.–criminal rights first-shred the constitution et etc—i like. clean water and electricity 24/7…i don’t want leftists taxing me to death and telling me how to think—the american dream has always been home ownership—now property owners have a target on their backs for the tax man…martial law and a BENIGN dictator are the only solution—and, O, yeah, mass. deportation. of most. illegals…no need for gas chambers and gulags…
at the Mosque shootings ..!I expect it.and so should every country that allowed MUSLIMS TO SET UP SHOP in a new environment for them.THEY do NOT assimilate period .They are not Mentally capable of it.Dont expect it.
Its their religion stupid ! They will always be strangers even after 50 years of living there.
The Romans figured that out a thousand years ago and kicked them out of Europe ,then the Christians came in and thought with LOVE and Humility they could change them .The Christians failed. Prosperity has followed Christians and Jews everywhere except the Mid East where Muslims rule !.
If you dont have them in your country dont invite them in with Christian Charity ,they dont understand it mentally ,they have a Mental disease .Karl Marx understood it best “Religion is the OPIUM of the mind”
and that was never more true than in the MID EAST.MUSLIMS are like Drug addicts ,they cannot escape their religion and the escape from their religion is just as HARD as getting off drugs. .When Communist MAO had a problem with 30 millions of opium addicts he just killed them .Thats how Chinese Communists handle it ,thats how the Romans did it in Europe .Given more time history will repeat it self ….Dont introduce that DRUG into your society …the result is always the same. Einstein said doing the same mistake over and over exactly the same way and expecting a different result each time is a definition of INSANITY . WE do have some insane leaders in the Western World,among them are Christians,and Jews with good intent ,but insane nevertheless..Inviting Muslims in is no different than introducing opium to children …
Quad witching, what does anyone want to bet they close gold right at $1300, GLD @ $123
Guessing they will hit all the max pain levels. Whatever levels for silver will be the same.
It’s the American way ya know.
Better buy some SPX and NDX puts — and some VIX calls — with all that’s going on — no?
That’s been a stellar strategy for years now as the shit continues to hit the fan.
Beginning to dread what will knock the SM down, as so far nothing has, for any length of time. It looked a bit toppy ystdy on some signals I use….all it did was stop going up.
As for the Donald….I see him as a pragmatist…..he has to get re-elected in 2020 and with all the hatred in the MSM, he is effectively campaigning non stop, the slightest slip and they are all over him.
I remember when Arnie was governor of California…..he couldn’t get anything done, no matter how sensible….The Donald is much smarter….he is getting crap for not building the Wall, but everyone can see it is the Dems stopping him….so they own every crime committed by a Gimmiegrant and u can bet the Donald will be ramming that down their throats, the closer the vote comes.
If we Brexit with No Deal, then it will a total non event, just like the Millenium one….but as of now nobody knows if we leave or not…..our politicians have gone insane and people are getting very angry.
There is continual schemes by rad. Muslims planning something here. Most are caught. The ones they have more problems with is the American young white man who grew snot for brains. If they ran into most pubs they call bars here or what’s left of them being phased out after baby boomers but would make short work of them if they ran in there with a knife and started yelling Allah Akbar.
The news say mass shootings? I doubt if it was anywhere near that concert in Europe.
No matter who they always seem to pick soft targets.
Mind you, it appears most of the attacks are from Americans.
However misguided Yankee aggression against Muslims has been since 911.
3 men 1 woman in shooting.
Never seen them work that fast in a jihad shooting except in Calif.
What did they say?
Like O’Rourke the dork there’s a lot of decoys wanting to run, maybe Biden too. He could be Trudeaus cousin but it a tutu and sombrero. The feminism of men is going to be our downfall. I’m glad it doesn’t apply to GBs.