It’s more than a gun grab this time which makes me even more woundering what the left is doing as far as a agenda.
There using it to try to open up immigration to Muslims to this country. At the same time coming in as Anti Jewish party and we know their anti Christian,
Here’s a email I got on March 15 th. That was fast if you know what I mean.
I’m not part of this org. Just keeping tabs.
Dear MoveOn member,
Just hours ago, a white-supremacist, anti-Muslim killer opened fire at two mosques in New Zealand, killing nearly 50 Muslims, destroying families and communities, and sending waves of terror across that country and around the world.
The police commissioner, fearing for the lives of Muslims in New Zealand, even asked Muslims not to attend communal prayer on Friday—the Muslim holy day.
This massacre is gut-wrenching—but sadly, it fits into patterns we know too well. There is a global wave of violence and discrimination against Muslims—from the Muslim detention centers in China to the Rohingya genocide in Burma to the Muslim Ban in our own country that has rejected over 37,000 visas from majority-Muslim countries in 2018 alone.1
While we wait to hear how we can best help communities in New Zealand, we can act to turn the tide on our most-prominent anti-Muslim policies at home.
You can help make a difference. Call your members of Congress now to demand they block Trump’s Muslim Ban and the ‘War on Terror” which has been used to justify wars in majority-Muslim countries.
Here is where to call: