I told you about this years ago.
Even when they run out of physical the bankers will continue trying to keep commodity prices contained.
With consumers tapped for reals now, they must.
They must keep general price levels contained, giving consumers more money to pay the bankers ever increasing interest.
It’s either that or the Ponzi collapses.
One day it will get away from them but like you say…might be dead by then.
This is why I can’t understand why everybody is so bullish on precious metals with the bankers and their buddies willing to do anything to keep them contained now. Especially with the stupid speculators, both large and small, helping them by playing the game.
Like I said, it won’t change until these idiots (speculators) are dead (either literally or financially) because they are addicted gamblers with nothing to lose and looking to make up for previous losses — so they will never stop until they are dead. (i.e. this lunacy could go on another 10 years — who knows — you think somebody who bought in 1980 envisioned a 20 bear market? (certainly Doug Casey didn’t) — but it happened.)
Psychologically they (today’s speculators) are certifiable — not that many would agree with such an assessment because of the implications about our society as a whole.