Chef d’Aries, Jupiter et Saturne, Dieu eternel quelles mutations? Puis par long siecle son maling temps retourne, Gaule et Italie, quelles emotions?
The head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn,
God eternal, what changes can be expected?
Following a long century, evil will return
France and Italy, what emotions will you undergo?
Some interpret the fire but think it’s more than that like the unintended consequences to opening the gate to invasion of the Mid East.
It’s a distraction from the yellow vests.
Are these three signs together a bad mixture?
A long century can be interpreted differently. As in the long 19th century. The period from 1789 to 1914, beginning with the French Revolution and ending with the start of World War 1. Perhaps it already started with them by driving out or killing too many good and brave who would fight for them.
If they should of learned anything from the Jewish atrocity they think they can make up for that by letting in the Muslims. For one the Jewish were their own citizens they turned on.
They’ve learned nothing because they’re turning on them again but this time by allowing a foreign invaders to attack their own citizens.