The Gold Update by Mark Mead Baillie — 492nd Edition — San Francisco — 20 April 2019 (published each Saturday) —
“Gold Southbound, Box-Bound“
Returning to San Francisco is always tough enough, but try this for a bring-down: well into our 10th year of faithfully penning The Gold Update without a single Saturday miss, en route (for those of you scoring at home) toward edition No. 500, yours truly walked into last Sunday’s Investors Roundtable and the first thing out of a valued member’s mouth was “The price of Gold may never go up again.”
Moreover, correlative evidence was provided as proof. (‘Tis an analysis we’d need to personally number-crunch before rendering a like opinion — heaven forbid — and it esoterically is relative to the movement of Japanese interest rates … or lack thereof. On verra). Rather, our preference is to remain fastidiously steadfast for far higher Gold prices as the 3Ds of Debasement, Debt and Derivatives continue to disseminate.