Just take our FLU shot that gets mutated in the LAB where we grow them using 50 different virii ..all in one shot just like the infant shots that give Autism ..instead of one shot at a time where the body adjusts to invasive bugs by creating immune response…Lets see if we cant create a SUPER AUTISTIC child ..and overwhelm the IMMUNE responce just to see HOW much it can TOLARATE ,NOW theres a threat ..”the Common Cold”..that the Human Body has learned to cope with ,so lets create a Major Problem so we can sell SUPER SHOTS with 50 different virii and one of them will mutate and kill everything..”Frankin SHOT” ,now there an idea born in HELL..Isnt it wonderfull what science can do !? JUST what we need !….Fucken Greedy Pharma ….
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