Days of whine and comas
The relentless days of forced-comatose trading is as absurd as it gets. The cartel LONG ago gave up all pretense of appearance or subtlety, and now simply bludgeon the metals into a coma on a daily basis. Silver, being the kryptonite of the two metals, is particularly getting clamped down on HARD. Lately even a 3 cent move after 9:00 am is major volatility. Somebody needs silver to be sub-$15 in a bad way.
Every day gold and silver trading volume soars into the hundreds of thousands of contracts. “Experts” and “analysts” then apprise us as to why the metals were “flat”, or “lacking luster”, or were acting “counterintuitively” – again. It’s the WWE thing, except the WWE at least manages to look exciting. For decades now Kitco and all MSM have remained silent after gross manipulation on a daily basis. Bart Chilton avoided telling the truth about silver manipulation until shortly before his deathbed, showing the difficulty for many of even acknowledging it.