Trump says Kerry ‘should be prosecuted’ for talking with Iran The Logan ACT forbids it..
Kerry makes deals with IRAN behind Trumps back ,promising better deal if they support BIDEN for election…
Same as China did as soon as BIDEN announced his bid ,China called off Trade deals as his Son is on their Payroll ..
Remember IRAN was behind all of Hillarys bid and Obama corruption all the conspirators either LIVED in IRAN or were born there..CIA DIRECTOR,Obamas chief Policy advisor lived there ,all IRANians …NOW KERRY is back there stabbing TRUMP in the BACK promising if they support BIDEN it back to selling the US OUT….
It was Hillary that took out IRAQS Saddam HUSSIAN ,that gave Iran a freepass ,as Saddam kept IRAN tied up in wars neutralizing them . just as BUSH senior said(leave him alone) . He keeps a balance in the mid East.
Hillary started all this shit..