and that’s the rub right there.
When you own the printing press there is no one with the ability to compete or stop what the scum wants done. I do believe though that the day trader among the small group who dares to venture into pm land knows the rules and knows full well that pm’s never go up two days in a row. They also know the other rules, i.e. gold is a safe short at +1% on any given day, so is silver for the most part.
They also know that once a downtrend gets started, it can last for several months without anything but a minor one day bounce, maybe one out of every ten days. Uptrends of course are the opposite, best case you get three spread out up days, mixed with two flat to down days that will keep you on the sidelines and afraid to buy. You sure as shit can NEVER buy strength or you’ll be down 5% same day or next day at the latest. Example: MUX this am strong @ $1.34, closes @ $1.26.
I can name a slew of others, but MUX is pissing me off the most at the moment. Plug in JNUG or NUGT they’re easy.
Get ready for a JNUG or NUGT reverse split soon which means an instant 20% loss. Probably HUI back to 135, where it was in 2001-02.
As deer79 said though, who cares? the CEO’s get paid