OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 1:36 on May 31, 2019  

Yes but at least we can grow avacados in Calif. Phillipines can grow really big avacados.
Seriously though closing the borders would be a thousand times worse hurting business, jobs and more. They would have to keep open more than a couple ports.
It will not stop them anyways and just encourage even more illegal immigration.
They are already overwhelmed at the borders. Border Patrol hiring but can’t get enough help.
They need to get those walls up and be able to turn back those coming across in boat across rivers or put a darn Fence in the middle.
They need two patrols as the border. One on the Mexican side one on the American side. For instance I helped someone get back in on the Mexican side going there once when my friend forgot her green card. I didn’t want to be held up because if it. I don’t know if it would of been that easy if there was another one on the American side.
They really need to build that wall and get reform and stricter border patrol.
As someone said once the wall isn’t meant to keep people out its to keep people in and the Demos are making people want it by giving incentives for people to cross.
People need to get repubs in that will make reform and fast.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.