I’ve seen so many young wanting to know more about their grandparents in the war and what unit they were in. In those days I guess they didn’t talk about it. I remember seeing baby picture of me and my father was in a Army uniform he never talked about it. My grandfather bargained for him to be in the reserves cuz he was jointing despite being the only surviving sibling. That was Korea era but you never hear about it.
Do you know these days only a small number are in shape to serve. Guess their gonna draft women.
I wonder if they’re getting more vocal now because they see what is happening to our country. Somehow they could talk to me if I could have the opportunity.
I talked to a 90 year old Italian American being on line who was in the navy on aircraft ships. Their ship got hit by Kamikazes or shot planes who flew in to the gassed up aircraft. He showed me some pictures. The anti aircraft guns were melted but he said the gunners kept shooting and were killed. Seems to me close to impact where outcome won’t be different don’t be a victim if they could jump. Their ship didn’t sink. I told him it’s important they leave their experiences behind. He wrote a lot and was reading this attack and then told him after you know I almost burnt my kitchen down because it made me lose track of time and had something on the stove. He got a kick out of that.
I think he’s gone now because he made a site and it went down.
One 101 airborne Vietnam said he was never gonna tell his daughter he was in because of the things he had to do. I didn’t ask but I told him she’ll find out and be doesn’t have to tell her what he did there. Another 101 during Korea I think told me they also dropped them in the wrong place over a town. I’m guessing it was during Korea era because one of them landed on telephone wires. Many more stories.
These politicians should really keep out of the economy because they always mess things up and usually Wall Street and bankers are envolved. If we didn’t have a depression they wouldn’t need war. And that’s before pay for play and selling us out. At least then it was our economy they were worried about.