Perhaps this is not an apt comparison…but how did the grains in 1973…like soybeans rise steadily for months on end from $3.00 to $12.90…how do stocks like Priceline go from $2 in 2000 to $2400…or Amazon go from $8 in 2000 to $1800…without analysts ranting about their high RSIs and investors selling them each and every time to retrace 100% of their latest gain?
Doesn’t there reach a recognition time–when the bull finally manifests–that the RSI–overbought/oversold game suspends…and a stock or commodity just keeps going up with minor pullbacks like stocks did in the 1990s?
I subscribed to Investors Intelligence in the 1990s…that servic basically FAILED back then becuase it had a consistantly high bullish percentage of advisors…and contrary theory was rendered ineffective…I think there has built up–for good reason–a deeply imbedded negative bias towards PMs…even among gold devotees…only gold seems to shriek “eek” a 65-0 RSI-!!… and go into a grand mal seizure every time…