I. got out of cde–made good coin-i got no silver–hl is crap–got a lot of debt-486 mill float–lousey stats–it’s been comatose during this. rally —up 2 cent—down 2—
but today it came alive on high volume—the. range. was 1.71-1.84—last 1.80 and well bid—within the last 12 months. it was 3.22—in. june 2016, it. was 6.49—kinda like the set up for ngd—accordingly. I took a flyer…hl was not the date i wanted to take to the prom…cde was but to get back into cde options is too expensive now…these options settled at. 12 yesterday-i have no idea who’s writing them today at 14 cents but thanks to he, she, or it…today could be. a “launch” day for silver…that may not be the case but that got me out of the stag line…