between ipt.v and isvlf, over a million shares traded
between ipt.v and isvlf, over a million shares traded
Stewart Thomson, Graceland Updates
- At McDonald’s restaurant, customers can “supersize” their food orders. Can gold supersize its awesome 2019 price action?
- Well, please click here now: https://gracel andjuniors.com/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2019/07/2019jul23gold1.png
- The technical action on this gold chart is spectacular!
- Gold has formeda massive pennant formation.There’s no guarantee that it plays out, but if it does the technical target is in the $1560 area.
- A $1560 gold price would turn most gold producers into gargantuan cash cows, and the near-vertical rally already in play in silver would likely become a textbook barn burner.
- Please click here now: https://gracelan djuniors.com/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2019/07/2019jul23si1.pngA pattern like a double bottom is now in play on the weekly silver chart.
- This pattern suggests the silver rally is just getting started and a breakout over the neckline would target the $18.50 area.
- The Western fear trade for gold is now the “price driver in play” for all the precious metals upside action, but the love trade is also providing solid and consistent support for the market.
- nterestingly, the Indian government tariff taxes of 12.5% have effectively revalued the price of the vast hoards of gold held by Indian citizens by 12.5%.
- In America, real interest rates continue to decline as the business cycle peaks. Any uptick in inflation could create an institutional “feeding frenzy” in gold stocks and silver stocks.
- Please click here now: https://g racelandjuniors.com/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2019/07/2019jul23realrates1.pngMany bond market analysts believe that rate cuts from the Fed could accelerate the issuance of negative-rate bonds… dramatically!
- Please click here now: https://gracel andjuniors.com/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2019/07/2019jul23gold2.pngDouble- click to enlarge. Some gold analysts worry about the “large” commercial short position in gold on the COMEX, but I predicted years ago that when gold broke out of the bull continuation pattern… the commercial short position could rise to millions of contracts, with the price still going higher!
- That’s because there are so many institutional money managers getting involved with gold now. The bottom line: Cash pays nothing and has no upside, and a surge in inflation would destroy the bond market and potentially topple the US government.
- In this environment, institutional stock market investors are embracing gold and gold stocks. They are beginning to embrace silver too. Because silver is such a small market, even modest institutional buying is producing vertical price action!
- Another positive aspect to the arrival of institutional investors in gold, silver, and the miners may be of interest to conspiracy buffs who believe in price manipulation.
- I say that because institutional investors have in-house investigators who monitor the market action. They are quick to alert regulators when market trades don’t make sense.
- Whether serious gold price manipulation existed in the past is probably unknowable, but there’s no question that the current market feels “cleaner” and more stable than it did when hedge funds dominated the market.
- The SPDR fund (GLD-NYSE) is now at 825 tons, and the SLV-NYSE silver fund is now at 11,070 tons. Institutions are buying steadily.
- What happens if the Fed disappoints at next week’s key meeting? What happens if there’s no rate cut? Well, since 2014 I’ve talked about all Fed actions being positive for gold.
- Gold rallied on QT and rate hikes and the stock market tanked because of the safe haven bid. Gold also rallied on the recent Fed pause… much more than the stock market did!
- The bottom line: If the Fed doesn’t cut rates at next week’s key meeting the stock market will crash and gold will cash a huge safe haven bid. Everything the Fed does is now win-win for gold.
- Please click here now: https://gracela ndjuniors.com/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2019/07/2019jul23gdx1.pngDouble-click to enlarge this fabulous GDX chart. I coined the term “flagification” to describe a market so powerful that numerous bull flags appear in succession. That’s happening with GDX and many gold miners now.
- For a look at the important weekly chart for GDX, please click here now: https://gracela ndjuniors.com/wordpress/wp- content/uploads/2019/07/2019jul23gdx2.pngDouble-click to enlarge. If the bull flag on the daily chart plays out, GDX is going to my $30-$32 target zone, and to $37-$40 if the “supersize” bull pennant on the gold bullion chart activates.
- The breakout above $26 on the weekly chart has turned the entire $23-$26 area into a massive support zone, so any failure or churning in the flag/pennant formations is little more than an annoying bearish fly that should soon be swatted away by a growing army of excited institutional buyers!
Oil down 1.5% but GUSH up a little.
Almost as if the producers don’t believe the oil price is going lower.
Maybe the pm shares are getting to that point as well.
Fixing the trade differences – which likely won’t happen in any meaningful manner – and taking interest rates to zero will not stimulate economic activity. The stock market is melting up because the western Central Banks have made money free to use for those closest to the money spigot. The banks and companies with access to the free money know that investing it in capital formation is a waste of time because real economic activity is contracting. Instead they plow this cash into the stock market (cheap loans to hedge funds from banks in lieu of margin credit and corporate share buy-backs).
The real source of the problem is too much debt. The global financial system is on the precipice of a Von Mises’ “crack up boom.” The melt-up in the chip stocks and unicorns is stunningly similar to the melt-up in the same chip stocks and the dot.coms in late 1999/early 2000. The “unicorn” stocks are this era’s “dot.comstocks.” Most of the hedge fund managers and daytraders were in grade school during the first tech bubble. They will remain clueless until the rug is pulled out from under them.
The stock and housing markets will eventually collapse because the foundation of debt on which both asset markets are propped will implode. This process of systemic cleansing started in 2008 but was deferred by the trillions in printed money and credit creation thrown at the problem. Rather than “fixing” the system, the “solution” did nothing more than add gasoline on the underlying fire.
Someone asked me yesterday what triggered the sell-off in tech stocks in early 2000. I said, “the market started to shit the bed for no specific reason other than it stopped going higher and decided to go south. The Fed jawboning was not nearly as pervasive although Greenspan was good at ‘talking’ stocks higher. The President then never cheered on the stock market like Trump does. At some point, no one can for sure when, this stock market is going tip-over – it’s just a matter of time…”
***Dave from Dnever
The whole sector is cheap
Meant to follow your lead on GUSH, not options but on the stock itself. Seems like a good idea for a cheap trade.
Just flat forgot. Really happy with the performance of MUX and the downside head fake yesterday. Sort of waiting for a nice explosion in GPL, been hovering above that $.90 level and should get going.
AAU same thing, another good day after the pause yesterday.
Not sure how many pauses we’re going to get if this bull is the real deal.
I didn’t check for new but it’s probably insider trading ahead of the July 30 earnings–I loved the gold action today.
I still have 250 MUX Aug 16. $2 calls I got for a nickle,,,MUX earnings are on the 30th–maybe they’ll be good and insiders or their surrogates are illegally leaking them–or maybe there’s news–I didn’t check…
ERX__XLE and my. GUSH–all energy ETFs– are all sporting nice gains even though crude is down a buck–that’s one of the few cheap sectors
Good luck on the AUY. That thing used to be a double digit stock back in the day.
You’re right about SAND, the new 5 year high has kept me from buying any. Probably a mistake, for the same reason I’ve kept my dumb ass out of RGLD and that thing just powers ahead with minor pullbacks even when gold gets crushed.
Took a shot at NEM today, it’s been consolidating for a couple of weeks below $40. Hard to find stuff that is cheap these days. My AAU and MUX had great days, waiting for GPL to explode higher. Other than that, a lot of this stuff is still overbought, probably intended to keep all us long suffering bulls out.
is available on OTC exchange ..symbol ISVLF as well as IPT.V
FilledBuy to Open4AUY Oct 18 2019 2.5 CallLimit0.49—-12:31:14 07/24/19
FilledBuy to Open496AUY Oct 18 2019 2.5 CallLimit0.49—-12:31:14 07/24/19
illed | Buy to Open | 100 | AUY Oct 18 2019 2.5 Call | Limit | 0.50 | — | —
….ensures USD will be worthless sooner rather than later.
Cheers all
a) bullish open
b) slapdown
c) moderate recovery
f) lather, rinse, repeat.
$16.60 and rising!
wheaties (wpm). forming a pretty little bullish pennant on the daily chart.
Yup sitting on Nem and trying to hold PAAS back……One day they hold SSRM down then PAAS.
A buck eleven for the Euro …. Wow.
its like there all making BOTTOMS again ,,getting ready to move up …
I guess that’s how they’ll try to keep the HUI down today if they’re going to do it.
We’ll see.
that indicates a BIG BOTTOM ,a throwing in the towel type of signal ..! for what ever thats worth..
6 days ago
5 days ago