OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

@ipso facto

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:18 on July 14, 2019  

Hi ipso, thanks for shout, and thinking of me. Luv ya.  I’ve been pretty down here, about as far down as you can get. I do check in here occasionally for there’s always something interesting to read.

Shout Out to Mr. Copper

Posted by ipso facto @ 13:16 on July 14, 2019  

Hope all’s OK amigo.


Posted by ipso facto @ 13:15 on July 14, 2019  

I think if you think about things before acting then that is free will. Of course we all have our genetics and experiences to effect our thinking.

If you just react to stuff then you might as well be a bug or a puppet!

I just don’t want to be a character in some cosmic video game! 🙂

Ipso – that is interesting

Posted by Buygold @ 11:47 on July 14, 2019  

I’m not sure we really do have free will. Seems most of us just are what we are and are in large part beholden to our genetic makeup.

Breaking the chain is pretty difficult.

Richard640 @ 9:37

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:05 on July 14, 2019  

I think I’ll nominate myself for a Nobel Prize! 🙂

Interesting stuff …

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:03 on July 14, 2019  

Would it surprise you to learn that evolution had found a way to encode PTSD-inducing experiences into a parent’s DNA to pass on to their own offspring (and subsequent generations)? Well it has and this has been proven out in both humans (here also) and mice.

Quite to the surprise of scientists and students everywhere who thought the Darwin vs. Lamarck (nature vs nurture) debate was a decisive first round knock-out for Darwin, it turns out that mice and humans (and presumably many other creatures) can encode experiences into their DNA and pass them along to their offspring.

Rather than waiting for a random mutation to confer a new behavior that improves survival (Darwin) both mice and humans can encode a traumatic experience and pass that right along to their children. Babies born to war-starved women store fat with miserly fanaticism and experience far higher rates of chronic health issues. Children of holocaust survivors are prone to anxiety and have elevated stress hormones throughout their own lives. The sons of Union war prisoners were far more likely to die early than the sons of soldiers who were not prisoners.

In other words, our DNA is busy talking with the world around us and storing what seems to be useful information to pass along and/or use. The DNA is the hardware, that’s the part Darwin got right. And epigenetics is the software, which is the part that Lamarck understood.

Carl Jung perhaps understood more of this duality than I’ve appreciated:


if there were. COTs for stocks and Bitcoin, they’d be in the stratushere…but, like old man river, they just keep rolling along

Posted by Richard640 @ 10:01 on July 14, 2019  

But COTs are high for. G&S and we’re all supposed. to crap our pants, sell out and go to cash…after a big 100–140 buck gold rally…Bitcoin can go up 300-600–900a DAY but that’s not a problem…

COT data is now at levels of previous tops.

Got gold?—-Liquidity Crisis at Woodford Equity Fund Is Symptomatic of Systemic Problem, Bank of England Warns

Posted by Richard640 @ 9:49 on July 14, 2019  

$30 trillion of assets globally are held by similar open-ended funds.

By Nick Corbishley, for WOLF STREET:

The Bank of England warned on Thursday that “financial stability risks are increasing” from giant open-ended funds, which are estimated to hold some $30 trillion in assets globally. These funds are vast sources of financing for the real economy but can pose a systemic risk since the money often goes into assets that are hard to sell quickly, the central bank said in its latest Financial Stability Report.


Ipso–that’s the. quote of the year!

Posted by Richard640 @ 9:37 on July 14, 2019  

Buygold-I am not smug about. this. gold rally…I know. we aren’t home free…

Posted by Richard640 @ 9:34 on July 14, 2019  

Maddog–interesting point about the pension funds…with zero interest. rates and mandated govvie bond purchases, they’ll need a bailout…and that’s why VISHNU created Modern Monetary. Policy…no sweat…just a few key strokes and


…there goes perspiration!

In what universe

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:28 on July 14, 2019  

does it make more sense to buy negative yielding debt instead of gold?

answer: NONE!

The FED is aware of this

Posted by Richard640 @ 9:28 on July 14, 2019  
Core crude PPI (the earliest stage of the production process) fell 0.5% after declining 4.5% in May and 1.2% in April. The YoY trend, which was already firmly in negative terrain, melted further – to -9.6% in June from -8.6% previously. Deflation risks dominate.


Posted by Buygold @ 8:31 on July 14, 2019  

a ride to $7000….hope I live to see it, then am able to hold on long enough to sell there.

Course, maybe we should just focus on $1500 first, and hope we’re not headed back to $1250.

I heard a lot of wild predictions when we were up toward $1900


Posted by Maddog @ 7:01 on July 14, 2019  

Re Black hole bonds

A huge point that the article fails to mention, is that in the mad world created by the EU, Pension Funds are mandated by law/Regulators to hold a certain percentage of their assets in what is coyly termed, Highly Liquid Assets, which are defined as Government Bonds….

That’s why the debt keeps selling…….as anyone sane would just leave the money in short term depo’s/outright cash….it’s not a choice, it’s forced financing of lousy government.

Buygold-if I can. go on a ride to $7000gold, I won’t care if there’s A 70%. retrace..

Posted by Richard640 @ 19:57 on July 13, 2019  

Got gold?—$13 trillion in subzero yielding debt, and shacks sell for a million bucks.

Posted by Richard640 @ 19:53 on July 13, 2019  
Remember, if you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.  Alas, the fake money order has taken us to the four dimensions of debasement, distortion, disfiguration, and destruction. How each dimension progresses to the next is somewhat ambiguous.  Though it generally advances as follows…
The dollar is debased through centrally planned and coordinated applications of monetary and fiscal stimulus. These stimulus applications distort financial markets to where the S&P 500 is at 3,000, the DJIA is at 27,000, there is $13 trillion in subzero yielding debt, and shacks sell for a million bucks.

Alex, R6

Posted by Buygold @ 16:07 on July 13, 2019  

Alex – I certainly hope that’s the case with junk silver. That’s what we’ve always been told about holding real money. I wonder though what the price of eggs will cost in terms of junk silver at that time? Are we living in a Mad Max period?

R6 – that paragraph you pulled was most notable. Course prior to that he also did say based on his calcs and chart work, after that he was looking for a 50-70% retrace.  

“If so, then the next upward spike could peak in the range between $7,000 and $11,000 per ounce.
Investors tend to make rash decisions based on fear and greed. These emotions are typically amplified during times of financial stress. It is during such times that gold solicits fear and greed motivated buyers.  During a crisis, fear investors will rotate into gold to hold value, and greed investors see the upward momentum and jump on the train. The upward momentum of the next gold rally might feel like the Bitcoin surge in 2017.”
I guess we (I) should be starting to sell at $7K -$11K looking for something else to invest in. Real estate? Stocks? I don’t know, hard to know what the world will look like at that point. I agree on one thing, and I think you and the Captain might also, this move is going to be fast, and keep a lot of the long term pundits on the sidelines…JMHO

Thanks for responding gents!

Re: Silver

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 14:02 on July 13, 2019  

If/When TSHTF , it is my honest opinion that there will be nothing like junk silver for bartering to get daily essentials . Circulated (worn) pre-1963 coinage will be virtually impossible to counterfeit economically , unlike gold coins which are now being faked extensively . In the event of the unthinkable , I could see a dozen eggs or a quart of milk being bartered for a 90% silver dime . The problem will be getting to a farm and home again safely .

Buygold–that. ZH History Repeat article-I liked it…not sure if. he’s got. all the gyrations and squiggles right–but. who does?

Posted by Richard640 @ 13:45 on July 13, 2019  

I have been saying that I think the big.  surprise will be NOT having. a long, drawn out 2000 to 2011 style rally–I also said that it might be impulsive like Bitcoin–so I am glad to see that. he agrees=

“If so, then the next upward spike could peak in the range between $7,000 and $11,000 per ounce.
Investors tend to make rash decisions based on fear and greed. These emotions are typically amplified during times of financial stress. It is during such times that gold solicits fear and greed motivated buyers.  During a crisis, fear investors will rotate into gold to hold value, and greed investors see the upward momentum and jump on the train. The upward momentum of the next gold rally might feel like the Bitcoin surge in 2017.”

Capt. Hook–thanks for the bullish commentary–it helps strengthen my tenuous conviction

Posted by Richard640 @ 13:28 on July 13, 2019  

Bullish is not a dirty word–no one believes in jinxing–or hexes–or the evil eye…that’s so old school ya know…so we will use that word and feel comfortable about it until proven differently

Like it or not, get used to the new normal of dependent central banks, perpetually low interest rates and quantitative easing,’

Posted by Richard640 @ 13:21 on July 13, 2019  

July 8 – Bloomberg (Cagan Koc, Nacha Cattan, and Alister Bull): “The ‘heyday of central bank independence now lies behind us,’ Pacific Investment Management Co.’s Joachim Fels declared… He is not alone among economists in delivering the last rites after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan fired his country’s top monetary policy maker and President Donald Trump continued to attack Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell for raising interest rates too high… ‘Like it or not, get used to the new normal of dependent central banks, perpetually low interest rates and quantitative easing,’ Fels, Pimco’s global economic adviser, said…

Experienced traders could go long SLV on strength above $14.50 and $15.30. Risk to $13.75.

Posted by Richard640 @ 13:07 on July 13, 2019  

[I prefer to use CDE for a silver rally-if. we ever get one–but I guess call option inundated SLV would. have to tag along]

Silver? Small mining companies or “juniors”? Platinum? The dollar? These are some of the indicators that “gold bugs” watch to judge whether a gold rally has staying power. Let’s check out the charts of the silver iShares Silver Trust ETF (SLV) today.

 In this daily bar chart of SLV, below, we can see that prices made a bottom back in September-November, followed by a rally into February and a retest in May. This month saw SLV rally above the rising 50-day moving average line as well as the now bullish 200-day line.
 Notice the rising On-Balance-Volume (OBV) line from November to June? Buyers of SLV were being more aggressive even as stocks soared and the dollar rallied.
The trend following Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) oscillator turned up above the zero line in December and again this month.


The Black Hole Engulfing the World’s Bond Markets

Posted by Richard640 @ 12:37 on July 13, 2019  

There’s a multitrillion-dollar black hole growing at the heart of the world’s financial markets. Negative-yielding debt — bonds worth less, not more, if held to maturity — is spreading to more corners of the bond universe, destroying potential returns for investors and turning the system as we know it on its head. Now that it looks like sub-zero bonds are here to stay, there’s even more hand-wringing about the effects for mom-and-pop savers, pensioners, investors, buyout firms and governments.



Morning Captain – Nice Post

Posted by Buygold @ 10:42 on July 13, 2019  

Definitely think you’re on the mark that at some point the silver market is going to explode and the bankster scum is scared shitless of it, which would make sense as to the relentless daily pressure on that market.

A lot of these pundits are also scared shitless of the action in the futures markets and rightly so. We’ll see what happens.

I am not usually encouraged when ZeroHedge posts a pm bullish article but this is interesting nonetheless, at least historically.

Will History Repeat Itself In The Gold Market?

Since President Nixon removed the gold standard in the early 1970s, gold has seen several significant rallies, all of which have similar wave characteristics.  Gold rallies seem to rhyme



Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:31 on July 13, 2019  

Yes and last week’s relatively strong close increases the probability of a good showing this coming week.

Add to that a ‘big picture view’ that is the most bullish for PM’s ever possibly – reminiscent of stagflation times in the 70’s, and we do indeed have the stars aligning for a big move.

Then we have The Donald wishing to be re-elected and knowing the only way this will happen is if the bubbles remain inflated. So he is populating the Fed with uber-doves. So administered rates will always be lower than market rates at least until the election next year, meaning real rates, the primary driver of PM’s in our present system, will always be negative too. This means ‘high powered money printing’.

Then we see a comment from Eric Sprott this week, for whom I have a great deal of respect, pointing out if Poland had directed the amount of capital required to buy 100 tons of gold towards the silver market, it would have bought all the available above ground silver by a factor of two (likely more like four of five because it’s not all available). That’s just one buyer…could have bought all the world’s silver by a factor of two, or five.

For me, that sounds like a bullish recipe all by itself…especially if the Chinese ever decide to start drawing down SLV silver in an attempt to secure the supply they need for manufacturing.

Then we will see if COMEX stock reports are just another lie.

One would think this is quite possible…no?

That’s why silver is not allowed to move…because da boyz are scared sh*tless the silver reverse bubble is about to explode.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.