GoldTent Oasis is dedicated to our friend and founder John F. Murphy (Wanka) of Key West, Florida without whom this website would not exist. Gone but never forgotten.
ENTER ~ Post by the Golden Rule. Gentlemanly conduct is the attire of the day. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts DYODD. ~~~~~~~
Someone that I viewed in the past few weeks – maybe Charles Nenner , claimed the DB was holding 40 Trillion in risky derivatives . No wonder they want to unload that to a shell bank .
The Tahltan Central Government June 24 said it is demanding the shutdown of jade and placer gold mining in the Tahltan Territory of northern British Columbia.
The Tahltan Nation’s 95,933-square-kilometer (37,040 square miles) territory covers 70 percent of B.C.’s Golden Triangle. This area has been an active placer gold producing region for more than 150 years and the nephrite jade deposits in the area are considered some of the highest quality in the world.
Do you think this change in the metals activity has to do with the Deutsche Bank blowup? Maybe like Lehman they are trying to unwind Deutsche’s derivatives book? If Deutsche is laying off 18,000 people you’d think their derivatives would be in serious trouble…
DB was always one of the mega-gold shorts. It could also explain the strange goings-on with the ETF’s and COT. If somebody else is now managing their book, or assisting in the unwind it could be the equivalent of doing spread trades in the same month. The huge ETF volume could be for securing gold to repay DB storage clients. Note too we’re hearing about countries repatriating gold again- getting the hell out of DB?
“There’s been a scramble for any bond with some spread – the longer, the better.”
Not Worried About 100 Year Bonds
As for century bonds, which are among the riskiest debt securities in the world, they would “get slaughtered” if the Fed shocks markets by not lowering borrowing costs at the end of July, according to Hari Hariharan, chief executive officer of NWI Management. Is he really worried this will happen? No: he likes Petrobras’s 100-year debt on the possibility of bond buybacks.
Not worried about a hawkish surprise is also Tina Vandersteel, money manager at GMO in Boston, who prefers Mexico’s 100-year securities over Argentina’s for the same reason as Chamorro. Assuming a global monetary ice age isn’t fully priced in, yet, century bonds would be the bonds that benefit the most as interest rates across the entire world sink into negative territory.
Tks for that….didn’t know about it. It looks to me like Trump has two clubs to beat the Dems with, Russiagate and now Epstein and Co….if so,,,, what an operator.
, particularly the final words of Section 2 , paragraph F , which states that the penalty for International trafficking includes forfeiture of the proceeds . Epstein and his Lolita Express clients may end up funding the government to make up for lower IRS revenues .
No joking I have no idea exactly where his money came from…as it seems he was teacher to begin with, then a minor league crook/fraudster, which is why Bear booted him….so the big money is a mystery…was it Mob, Mossad, Blackmail, immoral earnings from being a swamp pimp….but Billions ??
In fact, gold will rise in the near term whether the Fed cuts rates and ends tightening or not. As a point of reference, consider gold’s price history in tandem with the history of the Fed funds rate.
In 2006 gold prices began an exponential rise and nearly doubled; at the same time the Fed was raising interest rates above 5%. Gold prices spiked despite higher rates and Fed tightening.
Perfect words for what happens with GLD and SLV almost every day unless moving hard to the downside. Happens quite a bit to the shares as well.
Still, action in the shares is half-way decent, all things considered. No doubt that $1400 will be kept under wraps until further notice or until Powell makes some soothing remarks to congress tomorrow…
Seems Mr Epstein is a lot more mysterious than at first glance…like where did all his money come from, although he supposedly ran a hedge fund, there is no footprint and he didn’t come across as someone who did ????
Found this on the Web…..
I Tried to Warn You About Sleazy Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in 2003
That’s a good idea with crowd control, esp if you can zero in on a few people and not the baby in the crib down the street. Like they did at Waco with children they were supposed to rescue inside.
It’s not just dogs it’s other animals too and even humans if they are in tune with the earth.I could feel rumbling before Sylmar Quake and felt it in fact it woke me up because it was like someone trying to wake me up looked around saw nothing but roommates sleeping went back to sleep then it hit big time.
Same in another town though one could come but can’t say when but a span of 5 years then so taught my kids what to do and it came a few months later. I’m really surprise they haven’t picked up these warnings and made a pattern of it like a picture of things moving below if they can determine what’s there like the plates and what they’re doing. Now that I have verve trounce with my feet not diabetic something else I don’t know if I can feel them. It’s kinda like standing next to a waterfall or raging river where you can feel the vibrations but more subtle and deeper or farther down.
Well good thing cuz now I can get my grandson on all the ridee at Disney without standing in line. Lol Excise typos on my phone on the sun can’t see the screen too well.
Eventually a big one will come and if too close to the coast possibly a tsunami with it.
Twenty-five years before President Donald Trump took office promising to roll back trade deals, H. Ross Perot told a national audience that the “giant sucking sound” voters heard was American jobs flowing to Mexico.
Perot, who died on July 9, at 89 after a 5-month battle with leukemia, was a billionaire businessman who sprang to fame as an independent presidential candidate in 1992, when he won 19% of the popular vote. That still stands as the best showing for a third-party candidate since Teddy Roosevelt in 1912. Perot launched his campaign on Feb. 29, 1992, when he told CNN interviewer Larry King that he’d run for president if supporters got him on the ballot in all 50 states. They did.
Perot used charts, graphs and 30-minute infomercials to expound on his two pet topics: opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was about to go into effect, and the national debt, which was mushrooming even back then. “The debt is like a crazy aunt we keep down in the basement,” Perot said during the campaign. “All the neighbors know she’s there, but nobody wants to talk about her.” He spent $72 million of his own money – $129 million today — financing his campaign, and his bluntness, Texas twang and folksy weirdness won him a cult following. Dana Carvey portrayed him on “Saturday Night Live.”
I remember he said during his campaign that NAFTA would destroy our manufacturing base and we’d hear a “giant sucking sound” which would be US jobs.
I also remember hearing that the Bush family and their connects to the alphabet agencies – namely the CIA made threats to him and his family prior to the election.
He was a patriot and not one of the reptiles that were currently running our government. I’m old and fear for my kids and their kids.