Forget about the Fed and the Central Banks ,there just a CARTEL and just like the OIL CARTEL they will be the authors of their own demise …Just as Trump set loose the oil industry from its local Cartel and look what happened ! Oil prices fell to its natural cost of gettting it out of the ground ,just like GOLD did ! That bankrupted everybody that produced oil that had a BUDGET that exceeded its oil revenue …like Venezuela ,Saudi ,Iran ,Iraq,Cuba …It was the price of oil that stopped their wars cold ,not their military… The Muslim terrorists are finished ,all their budgets are way above the current oil price.. ITS GUNS or BUTTER for them….as we used to say !
Trump did it without firing a shot !
The price of GOLD will bust the Federal Reserve Cartel grip on the world..except it will be an increase in price that does it unlike oil…Gold has NO Central Control Center .Everybody that has Gold will be the RULERS .The “GOLDEN RULE” ,he who has the GOLD makes the RULES …