If today. is the worst we have to endure, then we. have nothing to fear from a correction–also, don’t forget that a great part of this rally. saw gold go up WITH. stocks…remember we were talking about. Wolanchuk being correct when he said that stocks and gold go up together–so if stocks have bottomed gold could still rise…as for the dread “higher rates”remember that. when gold peaked in 1980, it took. a what??
a 12% or. 16% 30 year t-bond tp stop the rally!!
Filled Buy to Open 60 TBF Dec 20 2019 19.0 CallLimit0.35—-15:58:06 08/16/19
Filled Buy to Open 1 TBF Dec 20 2019 19.0 CallLimit0.35—-15:58:06 08/16/19