HOW they gonna stop this GOLD RALLY ,with what ?> HIGHER Interest RATES ? Its not gonna happen unless they opt for a depression and 20 % unemployment…..Helicopter money wont stop GOLD ! How do you save the Bond Market is the question ? In bankruptsy Court you could make them (The Bond Holders) equity holders in the Stock Market …The Fed buys stocks to prop up the Markets,so they do have Stocks ,they could force the Bondholders to take stocks instead of cash …what then ? What will bond holders do with the stocks when they need income ? GOOD BYE STOCK MARKET ……Restrict the sale of stocks with a 5 year hold period ? (Your money is good,you just have to wait for it.)Whats the time value of money ? Id rather have the BOND and sell it at a discount ..I want the return OF my money when I cant get a return ON my money .! than at least I can buy stocks or GOLD with it…I wont be frozen in time….
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