Well it was real all the other times, but it’s more real this time. Believe me, believe me. YUUUUGGGEEE deal coming, please make the DOW 10,000 pts higher.
Risky gold and silver should correct 20% now.
Not like stocks which only go up.
I see they found their winning strategy and jawboning topic for the year. Trade deal on/off switch. Man it is sooo easy to get this herd running in the right direction. Fundamentals my ass.
Up over 1% already.
Haters: the BS you spew is really tiresome. Hoping you’re buried in your Shorts
Yes, the market will correct, but I’m guessing more consolidation than major correction we are at ATHs…again…
AssHats have been predicting a Crash since the 2016 Campaign. The only time it was close was 11/9/16 until Markets were assured that HRC lost