of. stocks. being in a crash sequence…he said that is high. because. the. chance of stocks crashing. is. usually. zero…Seville. is one of the best of the best. and his modest subscription price is well worth it…
My. good buddy JOHN DOE who was caught underweight by this. rally–and who bailed on most of his positions waaaaay. early. because of worries about high. RSIs and. COTs—…is euphoric today–indulging. in an orgy of tweets about. how he warned everybody to get out–and how he got out on Tuesday and Wednesday–and how he saw on forums all the high fiving…
I bit the bullet today and exited my last holding-I salvaged $6400…my loss was $4500…with options there comes a time when trading discipline requires you to bail…most of the time it’s the. right decision…