treefrog – you are definitely right about “conservative hands”. The major problems will be in the urban areas for the military when it comes to enforcing a Martial Law situation. I guess I meant that the military might even need “conservative” assistance. Urban areas in red states will easily be contained. Blue states will be a different story. JMHO
Ipso – Yes. Time for the Saudi’s to get out of their “Vietnam” aka Yemen. Back in the day, the Saudi’s were some of the laziest and least willing troops in the Middle East. They just don’t have the desire to fight. Who could blame them when the kingdom took care of most of their needs?
Capt., RNO – With you on a close above $1500 going into October but there seems to be a lot of pressure against it, although rates are coming back in. Some of the shares are trying to hold up. Might be an interesting last hour.