Three things you need to know:
1. Vlad’s hardware is junk. I know many now retired colonels, etc, that spent their careers in the ME beginning with the First Gulf War and have repeatedly over run Russian hardware. it is all junk and incapable of defending against US hardware. Down vote all you want to–this is a fact. And the US goes where ever it wants whenever it wants to.
2. The F-35 has flown all over Iran, Syria and Iraq and it is invisible–just like the B2 bomber and F-22 Raptor. They own the skies and the hardware coming down the pike will make it so for the next 100 years.
3. Iran is scared shitless and all of its chest feather pumping is nothing more than an attempt to keep its population in line because the average Iranian has had more than enough of the Ayatollah bull shit.