OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Ha Ha!! LOL!!!!! Lotsa fun on. ZH today-The Israel. haters. are. swarming. all over. an article about Israel bombing Iran forces in Iraq-I finally found one pro-Israel post

Posted by Richard640 @ 14:21 on September 28, 2019  
You and all those paid shills who voted you up are really idiotic if you think that Jews, less than 2/10,000th of the world’s population, are your masters, and are all the world’s problems. What have you been smoking? You are mimicking Hitler and the Nazis and I am sure the Ayatollah that pays you 25 bob per post is very happy as he whips and tortures children who danced and girls who didn’t wear their hijab.

But I am sure you love Jewish technology. On the verge of cures for cancer and AIDS. That’s the Jews. Inventors or high tech non-invasive medical equipment. That’s the Jews. Inventor of many of the software and hardware that goes in your phones and computers and devices. Yup, that’s those horrible Jews. On the cutting edge of agriculture technology. Yup, that’s those horrid Jews again. Inventors of technology that increases efficiency of electrical transmission by more than 30% and which nearly every country in the world uses. Yup, it’s those Jews again causing trouble. Oh yes, and all those safer drugs that have been invented by Israelis to cure all sorts of diseases. Those Zionists are up to their evil.

And don’t forget how the Israelis were the first to set up a field hospital in Haiti and the last to leave after the earthquake. Same in Nepal. Those nasty Jews…

But those wonderful Arabs and radical Muslims have been lovingly spreading terrorism, peacefully raping women, delicately using children and civilians as human shields, gently enslaving Africans and Asians, democratically insisting that their women wear hijabs or else they will considerately stone them to death; and in an entrepreneurial spirit, selling children and women as sex slaves. Now that is a list of benefits to humanity that the Arabs and radical Muslims can be proud of.

Got to just love your lies, don’t you? And to think that less than 2/10,000th of 1 percent of the population are your masters shows how weak your thinking is. And how weak you are. Now you can crawl back to the sewer you were born in.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.