GoldTent Oasis is dedicated to our friend and founder John F. Murphy (Wanka) of Key West, Florida without whom this website would not exist. Gone but never forgotten.
ENTER ~ Post by the Golden Rule. Gentlemanly conduct is the attire of the day. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts DYODD. ~~~~~~~
Posted by Captain Hook
@ 11:14 on September 19, 2019
We should get something like that when all the offside generalists panic into the sector. (they have gone to sleep on PM’s after years of conditioning)
The 30 year mean of overall asset allocation in PM’s is approximately 2.5%. Right now it’s about .5%. So at some point we should see a cycle develop including the knucklehead momentum chasers at the end. This will take at least 2 years.
And if it goes big, like in 1980, where the aggregate participation rate hit 8% in PM’s … do the math.
Democrats (woman and girly men) are a’holes. Unfortunately they out number the practical smart people, 75% to 25% and were the dominant force since the 1960s. Until their various stupid ideas caught up to them and the whole global system crashed in 2008. Everything changed after that.
What led to 2008? Before 2008? Year 2000 Y2K, the March 2000 Dot com bust, the following recession, and then 9/11/01 during that recession, actually threw the bankers off stride.
Forced to lower rates and give house loans with no money down. To avoid terrorists getting satisfaction for crashing our economy. So the crash was delayed to 2008. And they are having problems ever since.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 10:15 on September 19, 2019
Mining’s Bootstrapper
Chester Millar is the founder of several multi-billion-dollar gold producers including Glamis Gold (bought by Goldcorp), Alamos Gold and Eldorado Gold. He was inducted into the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame in 2008. The 88 year old mine developer credits luck, experience and a simple strategy for his success.
waaaaaaay back from overnite lows–actually they erased most of the post FED sell off and that. is impressive–traders and money managers still WANT gold but the Cartel has over powered them for now–
Trannies are down [82] again today–quad witch. is friday….all the stock indexes are near new highs…this is the time of the year for stock corrections/crashes…stocks just won’t stay down….
Are we gold bulls running on the fumes of the rally that topped 6 weeks ago?–in 1980–2011 and 2016 bugs were running on the fumes of those rallies for months and years–going long…imagining the glory days weren’t over…I think about that sometimes…Nah! That. can’t be. right…
Looks like G&S may. have. topped for the day…?? But the HUI is. up 3 pts…
You are right goldielocks; it is complicated. The West was indirectly responsible for the overthrow of the Shah, since the UK/US supported a coup that overthrew Mosaddeq’s democratically elected government to bring the Shah into power.
If you are interested, here are some informative links:
Posted by goldielocks
@ 1:25 on September 19, 2019
That whole thing was complicated. Once when we were in friendlier terms with Iran, they were paying for equipment also involved in a rebellion. Did that rebellion go into the wrong hands when we had radical Muslims objecting against westernization and freedom of women not to have to wear hijab s. The Shaw was overthrown. We’re we ” western countries” indirectly responsible for that?
Back to religious ideology they are named after. Then the hostage issue they were no longer on friendly terms. The millions had supposedly grew over a billion in interest.
How did they come to that conclusion and doubt they ever put that money in a interest bearing trust.
Under the circumstances no matter, what is the definition of aiding and abetting the enemy.
Posted by goldielocks
@ 20:41 on September 18, 2019
I was wondering about that when I heard people were demanding BiBi to do more about terrorism and accusing him of being too soft. Things always tend to swing too far one way or another. If Iran gets in it too Lieberman may get more than he asked for.
Posted by Richard640
@ 19:29 on September 18, 2019
“Today, when the military enters Gaza, it will have significantly better capabilities than the Second Lebanon War. But in the end, when you embark on such a campaign, you want to ensure the safety of the soldiers,” he said. “Terror always has a bottom. In order to dry out terror, we must reach the critical mass. You have to kill thousands, arrest thousands more, and the rest will disperse.”
But, he said, “The reality in Gaza is that the group has terror infrastructures with military capabilities, and this is a very problematic situation. We have to destroy the military infrastructure in Gaza, and it will not be by a political move or only by airstrikes
After the formation of a government, we should expect Israel to launch a military operation inside Gaza at some point after the upcoming Jewish holidays. Of course this would have the potential of sparking a much wider regional conflict, but the Israeli people are simply not going to put up with the endless rocket attacks coming from Gaza any longer.
And of course all of this is happening at the same time that a military conflict between the United States and Iran is potentially looming. World War 3 could literally erupt at any time, and once it starts, the Middle East will never be the same again.
For Hamas, the Israeli election could not have gone any worse.
Posted by Richard640
@ 19:15 on September 18, 2019
Gold is currently taking a breather after one of its largest rallies in decades. As I write this, the precious metal is consolidating around support in the $1,500-$1,520 range per ounce.
The question now is what comes next?
For that let’s turn to the long-term charts.
Gold has been forming a massive triangle pattern over the last 15 years.
Posted by Richard640
@ 18:53 on September 18, 2019
I remind you that the Valukis Report disclosed that Lehman, about a month before it blew up, did exactly this with a tri-party Repo with Citibank at the NY Fed. They attempted to present collateral, were told to **** off by Citi which didn’t like their collateral, were asked what else they had and their response was NOTHING.
From that INSTANT forward both The NY Fed AND Citibank KNEW, at a matter of fact, that Lehman was insolvent. It did not have good collateral sufficient to back it’s ordinary OVERNIGHT liquidity requirements! Yet that FACT was not disclosed to the general investing public and NOTHING was done about it either, despite that factual knowledge — until Lehman finally collapsed. Well, except for all those who I presume WERE trading on that information.
These Repo transactions are ordinary, every-day commercial balancing transactions — they take place to balance the reserves and free cash among financial institutions in the ordinary course of business. They normally trade right near or at the overnight FFR because the collateral posted consists of either government or agency securities, the term is typically one day and thus the risk is very nearly zero, and the reason they’re undertaken is that funds move from place to place in ordinary commerce and financial institutions must maintain their cash liquidity levels at mandated amounts.
Folks, the claim being run about a “dollar shortage” leading to the repo market spasms is a bald-faced lie and anyone running that crap is committing a fraud upon the public — the purpose of which should be exposed and then they should be indicted, prosecuted, jailed until dead and then their remains used for fishfood.
Why? Because at its root it is quite obvious that someone — or some group of someones — is running an extortion scheme.
It is a fact that there is well north of a trillion dollars at the Fed in the form of excess reserves. These are funds that the banks can choose to pull and use for repos, lending or whatever — they just choose not to.
To the extent that The Fed has encouraged that and, instead of slamming by name the firms that created that spike the last couple of days and nailing them with regulatory sanction they instead launched two repos is outrageous.
There is no dollar “shortage” when over a trillion worth of excess dollars are being intentionally stuffed into The Fed for the purpose of earning interest from The Fed on same (at 2.1%)when The Fed could have simply whacked that rate to zero to make that game instantly uneconomic.
Don’t believe the flat out bullcrap coming from certain corners of the Internet and other media — when there’s a trillion dollars laying around on purpose there is no shortage of dollars because “someone” wants a measly $50 or $75 billion on an overnight basis.