Posted by Richard640
@ 10:14 on September 16, 2019
What strikes me regarding this whole affair is the level of incompetence by the Saudis in protecting their most important strategic asset. They can afford to have the best air defense system money can buy, and still they stand helpless confronting a relative simple weapon, as this is what those Irani made cruise missiles are.
Someone is going to have to take the blame for having exposed Saudi Arabia as a paper tiger. It’s entire claim to fame rests on assets that are now shown to be easily destroyed, by a dozen or so drones, no less. Sure, the damage can be repaired, but then a second set of drones could destroy it all over again, ad infinitum. MbS has cooked his goose, I think, with this ill-considered Yemen war. He has to take the blame, and that suggests some serious rearrangement in the House of Saud.
Posted by Maddog
@ 10:12 on September 16, 2019
Down over 2.5 % from todays Hi…just rammed straight down.
Posted by Maddog
@ 9:54 on September 16, 2019
and give up all it’s Nukes….
scum control…now looking insane…an old mate called to day and said this is a bloody joke, AU plus 1 %, it should be up 5 % plus and going.
Posted by Richard640
@ 9:53 on September 16, 2019
the Russell is already. up 3 pts–they will try to hold it all together at least until the FED meets?????
Euro stocks. not impressed…just down a. bit….oops! There goes gold=up 5.90–it should be zooming. back up after 2pm Wednesday if not before…especially if ole Saudi Arabia or Iran take another drone or missile up the wazoo…
Posted by Buygold
@ 9:38 on September 16, 2019
No way pm’s holds today. 10 yr. back to 1.87%
Shares unimpressed. DOW only down 80 – Scum in complete control.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 9:25 on September 16, 2019
Posted by Richard640
@ 9:24 on September 16, 2019
there. are still great. buying opps–getting short stock indexes-specially if the DOW. gets. near unchanged…and gold is a buy on this pullback…the threat. of war is real and will hang over world markets for the indefinite future..
Added 20K GUSH “early bird” specials…now that window’s closed…stops are set and let ‘er ride!
Filled Buy 12700 GUSH Limit 4.51 — — 4:04:44 09/16/19
Filled Buy 7300 GUSH Limit 4.49 — — 4:03:27 09/16/19
Posted by Maddog
@ 8:40 on September 16, 2019
Grow up…but that would take centuries, so just piss off.
Posted by Buygold
@ 8:03 on September 16, 2019
Not good. DOW looks poised to shake off this little dip – probably not good either.
Long way to go and Crimex open on deck.
Posted by Buygold
@ 7:31 on September 16, 2019
Instead of tossing a grenade in the room. Give us your theory of the Saudi oil bombing.
We know that the US-Israel-Saudi would immediately blame Iran, that’s par for the course.
I’d say a few countries stand to benefit from higher oil prices.
Posted by Buygold
@ 7:27 on September 16, 2019
Bonds, PM’s USD (slightly), Oil (Bigly)
Not confident they’ll allow pm’s to stay up today. Hopeful but not confident…
Posted by Maddog
@ 3:20 on September 16, 2019
so the scum algo’s are all on folks……as long as there is electricity the scum will never sleep.
Posted by macroman3
@ 1:16 on September 16, 2019
Goodnight freedom.
It looks like Richard got his period again…
Posted by Maya
@ 0:55 on September 16, 2019
Based on the coloring and loco number,
this MIGHT be an old Milwaukee Road
Hiawatha loco… still serving on a dinner train.
Posted by Richard640
@ 0:18 on September 16, 2019
Mkts. are going-so far-at. 12:13 am-according to my. script-oil-gold off their. highs—stock futures off the lows—if this. keeps up, the buy. window. for. positioning will be open in the morning-before. the next incident in. this drama takes place
The Morning Line for Monday Published Sunday, September 15, 9:24 p.m. E.T.
Iran Attack Poses First
Serious Test for Trump
For a rare change, global markets seem genuinely concerned about the news. A drone attack by Iran over the weekend knocked out more than half of Saudi Arabia’s refining capacity, amounting to roughly five percent of global supply. Fox and other news outlets underplayed the story initially, putting it beneath the latest sex charges against Kavanaugh. But the Saudi story shot up to the top of the page when index futures began to trading Sunday evening and oil prices soared $8 to a high of nearly $63 per barrel. So far, though, traders have gotten it only half-right. Comex gold is up a mere $14 at the moment (see chart above), and S&PS futures are off only 18 points. This suggests that although the threat to the world’s oil supplies is perceived as real, it is not yet considered a full-blown crisis in the trading world.
Shades of Goldfinger?
They’ll wise up soon enough, though, especially if Trump chooses to confront Iran. Until now, the mullahs have confined their attacks to oil tankers bearing the flags of countries unlikely to retaliate. By launching drones (or possibly cruise missiles) on a Saudi facility, they have declared war on a key U.S. ally. Trump has responded by approving the use of America’s emergency oil reserves to dampen any price spike, but it is unclear how he will deal with Iran itself. So far, the President has been all words when handling North Korea, China and Cuba/Venezuela. But none of them has pressed him nearly as aggressively or persistently as Iran. It is one thing for Kim Jong-un to shoot missiles into the air, or even over Seoul, but quite another for Khamenei to actually bomb one of the world’s most important oil facilities.
Some are comparing this to Pearl Harbor, but that was a sneak attack. In this case, Iran’s destructiveness follows an entirely predictable pattern of increasingly menacing actions. One shudders to think of what it will mean if Trump, facing the first serious challenge of his presidency, rises to the occasion. As much could be said if he doesn’t. If all-out war results, it wouldn’t be the first time this happened when neither side wanted it. It’s also possible Iran has taken its inspiration from Auric Goldfinger, the James Bond character who nuked Ft. Knox in order to increase the value of his own bullion. If so, and assuming the mullahs press no further, the strategy could succeed by drastically repricing oil. In the meantime, the mullahs re denying that they had anything to do with the attack — that it was Yemeni Houthis who did it. If the situation were not so grave, their denials would be laughable.
Posted by treefrog
@ 23:24 on September 15, 2019
everybody’s watching, waiting to see what’s going to happen
Posted by Ororeef
@ 22:20 on September 15, 2019
same ole bullshit ,car sales are going into the dumpster,they want more money and more of the “PROFITS”..
,,what they need is more imports and cheaper imports ….idiots ,since when is labor untitled to “profits” ?
unless they are “owners” (stockholders)..they get their “Wages”….and benefits ,healthcare etc …,NOT PROFITS ..Greedy Unions busted companies before ..thats where they are headed …Ive seen them when the Unions became violent and sabotaged the vehicle they produced….give us what we want or else ! Hoodlums…They didnt learn nothing when Government needed to increase imports to get them under control again.. Democrats…all of them…communists ,violent thugs …here we go again ….Ford cant make a profit producing cars anymore ,GM must sell cars at $40,000 and up to make a profit ! Who can afford to buy them ? 6year loans ,,whats next 100 year loans like the Bond Markets with negative returns for investors …Give me a car today and Ill pay you back over 100 years,….loan at zero interest …
Posted by Maddog
@ 21:24 on September 15, 2019
So far this is not the usual nothing to see here, playbook.
Bull mkts get the news the need and this news, made being short PM’s, a case for being carried off in a straight jacket and kept in a rubber room.
Posted by Richard640
@ 19:31 on September 15, 2019
wait!! gold and silver starting to move–dow. down a 100…we’ll see by morning
Posted by Richard640
@ 19:30 on September 15, 2019
crude down .24 cents is from friday–
Nymex crude up 6.23–that’s 2.20 off the high\
Dec gold. up $11—that’s 4.20 off the high-silver is up 18 cents
DOW. futs down 80–bonds. higher by about a 1/3 pt
Posted by Buygold
@ 18:37 on September 15, 2019
Oil Explodes 19% Higher, Biggest Jump In 28 Years
Brent has reopened for trading, and in the aftermath of Saturday’s attack on the “world’s most important oil processing plant”, exploded some 19% higher, its biggest jump since 1991.
Posted by Buygold
@ 18:22 on September 15, 2019
PM’s are up nicely tonight but oil is down a few cents?
Pretty sure I’ve lost my mind.
Posted by silverngold
@ 17:38 on September 15, 2019
Posted by Richard640
@ 16:40 on September 15, 2019
Saudi Arabia Aims to Restore a Third of Lost Oil Output Monday
Strikes on Saturday knocked out 5.7 million barrels of daily production; Aramco CEO says work is underway to restore output– the officials said they still believe they can fully replace it in coming days.
Updated Sept. 15, 2019 3:01 pm ET
Saudi Arabia’s national oil company expects to restore roughly a third of crude output disrupted in a weekend attack by day’s end Monday, Saudi officials said, but the strikes will likely leave the country short of full production capacity for weeks.
The damage from Saturday’s attacks risks sending shock waves through energy markets and damaging the kingdom’s long held position as the world’s most predictable and prodigious supplier of crude. Officials had earlier expressed hope that Saudi Arabia could resume full production by the start of the week.
The strikes knocked out 5.7 million barrels of daily production, and the officials said they still believe they can fully replace it in coming days. That would require tapping oil inventories and using other facilities to process crude. One of the main targets of the attackwas a large crude-processing plant in Abqaiq.
“We should be able to have 2 million barrels a day back online…by tomorrow,” said one person familiar with the matter.
Posted by ipso facto
@ 14:43 on September 15, 2019
I don’t follow the big companies very closely. From your post I’m sure you know more about this situation than I do.