A person who works for a vape store told me that the illnesses are caused by street cartilages of tobacco vape but mostly THC isn’t coming from licensed stores. They sell it cheaper so people buy them instead and that’s are they are getting sick. I can’t verify if all the cases but they just found a black market with all the vita E in them which they suspect the culprit. Plus the THC more potent and labeled as candy flavor.
You know that I’m no t/a guru but with regard to the triple top in the DOW, isn’t it true that triple tops rarely hold according to Saville? Meaning the DOW should explode to new high? Just asking…?
The way rates keep climbing we are damn lucky not to be down more but I’m not sure pm’s turn this week, today seemed like a good opportunity and yet….
Are they seriously selling US Treasuries and buying German Bunds?
Beam me up Scotty
Dunno what to make of Draghi and the ECB….it may well have been sour grapes against Draghi, that they spoke out…as it is long past time any CB has any hawkish credentials, they are all part of the printing/debt/anything goes experiment.
The ECB is going to be loose for ever, as their system is crap and run by idiots…even mighty Germany will topple, as many people are pissed off with their existing politicians, but will vote Green as a protest vote, as they can’t stomach the AfD….don’t ask…despite the Greens being all mad hippies still.
It seems they will only wake up, when they are living under an overpass and is snowing like hell.
great pussycat is one of my “sleepers.” when the silver market goes bananas, these obscure miners can be ten baggers. some of them will be rocket ships. worth keeping in the basket.
Maddog–Buygold–European stock mkts were unimpressed by. Draghis action
There comes a time in a traders career. when u just know. a historic turn is unfolding right before. your. eyes…today is. one of them…I usually. am frozen in place…but I have really pushed myself yesterday. and today to get invested…there are no guarantees…just. risk/reward…again, I repeat, I just can’t see G&S as a liquidating asset under current conditions
But…but…rates are rising…again, let’s go back to early. 1979–gold was 250 and the fed funds rate was 10.5%–by. january 1980 gold topped out at 850 and fed. funds were 14%…
again, let’s repeat the Mantra=
Richard640 @ 13:08
I sure hope you are right as it appears central planners are cornered.
The hot inflation numbers this morning (CPI) were designed to counter Draghi losing his mind. Without that stick save gold would be up $30 right now minimum.
But with the bonds melting down, this illusion of an economy won’t last long.
Certainly if Powell only cuts .25 basis points next week it should get interesting as the $ continues to scream higher.
That’s not how you win a ‘currency war’, which is on like Donkey Kong now if Draghi is to be taken seriously (chuckle).
Notes and Bonds are pukeing/stop lossing…This is not a real move on fundamentals etc …but of course the Algo’s can’t think that…so hit PM’s etc.
But why the Dollar is not being bid and the SM sold…only the scum could say, as they should be on riseing rates.
Here we go, gang-we are witnesses to history-the. DOW is about 100 pts from a 3rd try at. an all time high–check it out=
and PMs are a buy right now…we will see shock and awe by the close Friday…confidence in Central Banks has peaked!
Ten yr. screaming
up to 1.78%
Richard 11:52
Yeah I know. That’s the same thing that gets people to buy at the top when they finally get confidence. At least we’re not that bad lol I didn’t have time to do DD on it or follow it. I forgot about it and checked back later and it was at 11 then. ?
been holding that dog GPL for a while myself, thought it might eventually get pulled up with everything else. MUX is the other loser. I’d think that GPL would hold here at $.75 because that was the level of their last financing deal but not something I’m real confident about.
Glad to see another new poster.
First time poster long time lurker
Can Goldtent send some white light over to Great Panther? My current dog stock!
Richard 6:40 on 11 th
When the market crashed in 08 after, Ford got down to one dollar a share. I thought about buying up a bunch of shares but with the mass bankruptcies I was too afraid to chance it. It managed to survive though despite others having to reorganize.
Ororeef 10:19
Unbelievable, theyre in their own bubble. The same kind of people who would vote for people who would make crime worse with their double standards and mismanagement.
The NY FED. trading. desk and its Wall. St. surrogates are in the mkt today trying to stop
stocks from crashing–today. and tomorrow. are gonna be wild–I expect the. DOW to. be down 400 to 600 points by the close Friday and a possible black Monday…
You. can safely ignore all the gyrations. in gold and silver–they have. bottomed and after all the tumult. and shouting today and tomorrow will start. a breath taking move…watch the sky. as Wollie would. say…
Cretins working overtime today.
It’s a lost cause Canute!
Hang on folks Draghi can only do 12 Months QE and the Donald is going easy on China .
The Donald has to get re-elected, so we may be seeing a closeing down of the hardman, until he is re-elected …the Dems have got the Algo’s to react negatively to any ramping of sanctions/tarrifs…so he will have to go easy if he doesn’t want the SM to fall apart and he knows it is built on quicksand.
Plus this news guarantees a monster sell off in the next bear mkt….
Just had a mini-pop
Good for a quick $6 in gold and $.08 in silver
No clue why but the SM just dropped a quick 100 as well.
An algo driven no-go in China now?
It’s impossible to see the future. I’m hoping to see a ZH headline that 2 to 3 billion notional were dumped inside a minute around 10 am EST – that would say a lot about their ability to move the gold market.
You may have a point about loss of confidence in central banks.
Rates flat now from yesterday. Here comes another hit. Rates are all that matter to pm’s
I’ve seen enough of these failed up days for several lifetimes. You’re right, we’ll see how they close, but I suspect it won’t be good.