People are making those wages now if it’s any skilled labor. Some women dominated skilled jobs might still be lower depending where they work and skill level of the job.
When women started working they were getting taken advantage of because the excuse was it’s a second job and not the wage earner. What did that have to do with it, they’re not working for free.
Then came wage equality. Women trying to bring it up now is a joke, hello.. it’s like please they have no idea. They weren’t either around then or weren’t working. Maybe the slackers they want the same wages as those who do more or better skilled. I remember one of my supervisors told me don’t tell anyone you got a raise cuz they’ll want one too even when not doing the same amount of work.
Jobs that didn’t require a education or training over time didn’t pay well though then and actually pay better now than they did then.
As far as the middle class though these get squeezed enough. They get no breaks especially on the lower end of the scale.
Wages have to stop chasing the rising taxes and over billing by businesses and deal with the over billing on private and gov. sector. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. They use it to push socialism too.
Someone I know read PGE and the power outs was that they have downgraded their system so much to take in all that renewable stuff like wind and solar and they don’t have enough electricity, so they’re cutting off the electricity so you won’t find out they don’t have enough electricity!
They’re also charging more because of the fire they started in Paradise.
The rest of the fires who knows. That’s another story including nut cases , one who traveled from another state and terrorism speculation.