When they invented Medicare part D they did not let them negotiate prices. That was a bad idea. If they could or would it would save many from being financially ruined.
Veterans and Medicaid can negotiate drug prices.
No matter who, the prices go up too high by the manufacturers they either are taken off the list of what’s covered or only cover a certain amount , not very much.
Many of the drugs are life saving drugs.
Congress unlike other countries doing a lousy job negotiation prices to hospital, treatments, tests, and doctors. Especially specialist who demand more where for the most part it’s just another category of health care. This specialist for this, that one for that. It should not have to cost more. Basically they’re doing one thing.
Over testing by their GP can also drive costs up. Some say it’s fear of being sued but I wonder. I wonder if it’s because they don’t know what they’re looking for is why they’re afraid of being sued. Too many today are reliant on AL , sit on a computer putting in symptoms and a whole bunch of conditions pop up so there they go test for them all. Lol
Then you have certain hospitals that may get a better name over others so what do they do.. ah we can charge more.
When Obama care came along the denied them access to these hospitals.
Same for many on Medicare or cheaper or free supplemental insurance only covers the less brand hospitals. On the other side of that It leaves patients suck there and that hospital knows it so lower quality of care can happen. They more expensive hospitals need to bring their costs down which will also create competition for the others.
Then they got billing in these hospitals and offices.
Some hospitals have more billing clerks than beds. They started cottaging them years back where some can work at home.
When my kids were young I did it for s brief time in a office building. I was a insurance adjuster. When there was a problem with the billing they gave them to the adjusters, we would find the problem.
Medicare at that time hadn’t raised the coverage vs share of cost in years, just the cost of premiums.
Sometimes it was simple like a clerk didn’t walk over to a file and find the form the client sent in for proof their child was a full time student and thus covered, payment approved.
Other times more complicated.
They need a better billing system for all the different that doesn’t require so much time and people.
All and all is poor management of it, over pricing, over testing instead of zeroing in on the cause, and a congress that needs TO DO ITS JOB for the people not their back pockets.
It’s time we go after them as it hits our taxes to pay for it too as Ive mentioned and let them negotiate with us.