Yes I remember and has tripled and more than tripled but quadrupled in some states like mine.
In all reality we need to end the Fed.
SS needs to give a 1000 raise with a stern message to housing, especially senior housing it’s not meant so they can transfer it to themselves with over billing. Prices of medical and medicine need to go back down. Why is it you can buy the same medicines in Mexico for a tenth of cost here even without the currency exchange its much less?
Because lobbyists bribes house and senate.
People need to LIVE again not simply exist as a debt slave for the power hungry Scrooge’s of the world. So much for a free country. Pretty soon they’ll be making 10 by 10 housing and charging a arm and a leg.
Like China where people apply on a waiting list for housing in some 20 story unit .. if their good and bow down to the slave owners and get good points,
What’s the difference with taxes and now the signs are here for the same thing including censoring. If you don’t pay them they’ll take your property, you own nothing. Read the tea leaves,
End the Fed.
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