Until it implodes . Rob Kirby reiterated this on Greg Hunter’s show yesterday .
Every fiat currency eventually fails – that is 100% certain . With the repo issues intensifying , Kirby feels that is imminent .
Our US leaders admit to $23 000 000 000 000.00 debt.
The new FASB law allows the ‘dark’ money debt ( an additional $21 000 000 000 000.00 as of 2015 , even greater now ) to remain hidden . I assume that even the GAO will not have access to the truth .
When the US debt implodes , it will trigger global fiat collapse .
He worries about Energy becoming the new global ‘true money’. That will encourage global wars , and likely foreign invasion of the USA . ( We are seeing that already , I believe , with China claiming sovereignty over the seas bordering the countries of Vietnam , Taiwan , the Philippines , etc. ).
Safe havens ? G&S , seeds and arable land , hard consumables ( anything people need for survival in my opinion ).
Hunter interjected – when the collapse comes , the most dangerous places to be at will be grocery stores and gas stations . I tend to agree .
Kirby , BTW is a broker for gold in ton quantities for those with very deep pockets . With The artificial suppression of G&S prices , his customers are piling in .
He mentioned that in just one day recently , silver contracts traded for roughly 950 000 000 ounces .
Annual production is only about 850 000 000 ounces ! When the squeeze comes , those short will be crushed ( but in my opinion , the criminal government will step in to ‘save’ the banks , but maybe that will be the trigger to collapse the whole system ) .
Edit : I forgot to mention that the Bundesbank is buying gold now – they remember Weimar Germany’s currency collapse .