Your a tough bird, I’ve been thinking about you.
Try to keep moving around passively.
If bed ridden it can cause all sorts of problems without passive range of motion and moving around.
From pneumonia, muscle atrophy, circulation impairment and blood clots and bed “ skin” sores if you stay or sit in the same place too long for instance.
Time to think of a heart health diet right now and good vs bad cholesterol.
Adding heart health foods to your your diet including Omega 3. Potassium too but that would depend on medication how much. Some medications like Lasix deplete potassium others spare it like other diuretics and BP medicine because you don’t want to go the other way either.
Lower fat higher fiber and a lot of the heart healthy is good too.
Since your old school Italian and healthy Italian foods minus too much cheese you probably don’t eat a lot of fried food but if you eat any try a air fryer instead of oil.
Try sesame oil stay away from the fatty oils except maybe small amount of the olive oil not heated.
Avocados have more potassium than a banana which both is good less on potassium sparing medication to keep a eye on your levels either way.
Think of not only donuts ect but fatty or fat cooked foods like this. You know not to pour fat down the sink because it clogs the pipes. Same for your body and it’s arteries.
Learn the symptoms of adverse effects to empower yourself.
It comes in handy I’ll tell you. I just went round and round with a male nurse trying to get a message to a doctor and he’s trying to go off in another direction on what it is to down play it and it isn’t, prior to a uncomfortable procedure I’m going to have for a biopsy on my thyroid.
Instead of sending the message he’s trying to go off in a maybe it’s this and I’m trying to educate this idiot because my life might depend on it. I had a bad reaction to getting too much lidocaine which I narrowed down symptoms that matched not the lidocaine or allergic reaction but the epinephrine in the lidocaine. I think I got too much from a dentist so went to another. The kind the next used and mentioned the name didn’t have the Epi and had no reaction or adverse effects. So trying to pass that on. He said well they have medicine that doesn’t have it. Hello!! What did I just say? Then he goes well maybe you won’t get anything at all.
This guy shouldn’t be advising anyone.
Then he says well tell them when you get there. Frigging idiot. No time for them to prepare for any changes if needed.
I’m guessing the thyroid is having storms which his hyper kind which can cause heart racing and the Epi exasperated it.
It also causes hand tremors that comes and goes which makes it hard to write or type.
Also try not watching the news if it gets you upset because of these BS kangaroo political demo hacks.
I had lunch with a friend few days ago and she told me her husbands brother got sick watching it. To know this kind of corruption is going on.
Or try to balance have good days with your wife. Music good movies, restaurants outings when able. Don’t let these people get you sick.