Only honest assessment of reality Team Tyler has posted in 10 years.
As i’ve been writing for multiple years now’
The equity market is going higher. You dont have to like the reasons. But if you are a trader, you position correctly to the marketplace.
And it is blowing you kids and these authors minds.
- On one hand they acknowledge the global profligacy of fiat creation (inflation) by virtually every central bank
- They understand that banks around the world (who the primary recipients of these inflated fiats) distribute these fiats via loans to govts, corps, small biz and consumers. (Bonds and equities..so there is an incredibly massive standing bid for these assets…to just deploy capital)
- They comprehend that policy makers are the ones giving the money directly to the consumers via handouts and tax breaks, but this is markedly harder then it is for the CB’s to orchestrate
- For 20 years now they see these kids have valued these companies on clicks, page-views and likes over traditional revenue GAAP metrics
- And recognize HFT (which amounts to 80% of equities trading), has models that virtually ignore valuation metrics and are algorithmically looking at technical set-ups, trends and literally “tweets”
EVERYTHING i wrote above, they know about.
- And put that all together and you have tons of liquidity schloshing around the system, chasing assets, ignoring yesterdays valuation heuristics.
- And yet, we continually get these articles blatantly ignoring the realities above, and reverting back to some Peter Lynch meets Warren Buffet type equity analysis of yesterday, in a world that has just inherited trillions of dollars in profligacy, sitting uninvested, and needing to be deployed…and they’re shocked???????
And it is blowing their minds apart. They cannot come to grips with it because to them, it “doesn’t seem right” or is “broken” or “fake”.
HERE’S THE NEWS FLASH: WE do NOT get a chance to have a meaningful say wether or not you agree with it. What any of you THINK really…. is absolutely 100% irrelevant. They CBs are printing in NYC, in Brussels and in China for a minimum of 15 years..
You play the cards you’re dealt. Stud Poker. 5 cards. Thats it. They’re profligate, and going to inflate fiat and debts for 15 years.
Many here, see and comprehend what they’re doing (their hands), hate it, and are throwing your cards up in the air like children.
Do yourself a favor…go buy a CD and Cryptos and get out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat.
Stocks, bonds have a foundational bid underneath them for the next decade.