Yes education too. They’re dumbing them down putting them in la la land with one sided authoritarian distorted views. Who are their roll models? They will attack any roll models. They’re inviting men dressed in drag in schools or the drag are paying for it to go to children’s library and some are doing pole dances in front of them. Even if they didn’t know they were not women which would be hard with the men with beards what are they teaching them on how they view women? How little girls should view themselves? They are attacking or confusing every aspect of their life. Morally bankrupt.
This is how it will probably go down with the Eric Bon Zippers trying to give people the finger but keeps getting turned in him and gang. Remember them from the beach party movies back when. At least they were funny and even smarter than these simple minded idiots. The left are domestic terrorist but not alone.
They will try to avoid a trial to drain the swamp and move to dismiss. The left like Nader, Schumer, Schiff and swamp don’t want Trumps lawyers digging too deep will not go down alone and start singing. Certain people on the right don’t want that.
Then the left will say its partisan.
All roads lead back to them not Trump.
When the Demos took the house this whole thing was predictable.