I’m thinking a big surprise would be a very unexpected deflation in some sectors. If my reversal opinion of the Federal Reserve act of 1913 agendas, comes true, the US Dollar “reversal” means it will gain value. And qualify for a $20 for $1 reverse stock split.
Lets face it. The inflation, or devaluation, of the US Dollar since 1913 has been PROFOUND. Even just the short time after 1971 to 2008 we have a factor of 20 times or 20X for most consumer products.
Wages flat or higher going forward would net real reversal gains too. A reversal of net falling wages in the USA after the 1970 gold de-peg. A general deflation would raise Gold prices too. Gold has been under priced for decades.
The DEFLATION or NET cheaper re salaries would probably be in Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, and Consumer products.
I don’t think like most people. And I think, I don’t fit in with most people either. So there. 🙂 🙂 So feel free to disregard what ever I say gang. 🙂
P.S. I was just discussing things, stocks the situation etc with my highly regarded friend, and he mentioned the Roman Empire went down after they started devaluing their money. True and it made me think and say to him yes, same here. The Fed Devalued the currency and the system is vulnerable.