Roger that, defaults into Money Heaven I forgot about that one. 🙂 I seriously think the deflation in labor costs in the tax payer the non union private sector is partly and even “bigly” responsible for many problems.
For example, two retired people I know.
One a school employee earned about $62,000 and retired on $38,000 plus $16,800 on Soc Sec.($1400/mo) $54,800 total and free medical ins.
The other, retired, tax PAYER from a private corporation earned about $85,000/yr. Now getting $1,800 Soc Sec plus $600/mo pension, only $28,000/yr pinching pennies and no free supplemental medical insurance. versus $54,800/yr and free medical spending TAX PAYER dollars freely.
So the system is flawed and backwards.