That market is also somewhat leverage related on the Futures Market when TPTB play games. Gold should be double what it is. In fact all metals are grossly under priced. I was in sheet metal fabrication for decades, always bought 4×8 sheets of cold rolled steel, galvanized steel, aluminum, sheet, plate, and diamond plate, stainless steel, copper etc etc.
It was always surprisingly cheap to me. Always saved my drop offs, scrap to turn in. The prices fluctuated but mostly are same today as in the later ’70s and ’80s. Its an eefin joke. I’ve seen 4×8 sheets on metal cheaper than 4×8 sheets of plywood. And plywood grows on TREES!!! Metals have to be separated from rocks! Lots of equipment and energy involved.
Naturally its for the Greater Good to suppress producers prices. Just like interest rates. Suppress the savers. Producers of raw materials, and savers are always screwed and should be tax exempt. Lower Gold and Silver is good for Jewelry fab and retail for example.