At this juncture, a correction back to the 2018 lows would entail a 25% decline. However, if a “bear market” growls, the 2015-16 highs become the target which is 34% lower. The lows of 2016 would require a 43% draft, with the 2008 highs posting a 52% “crash.”
That can’t happen you say?
We had two 50% declines since the turn of the century, and the next major market decline will be fueled by the massive levels of corporate debt, underfunded pensions, and evaporation of “stock buybacks,” which have accounted for almost 100% of net purchases since 2018.
Then there is also the other possibility as noted by technical analyst J. Brett Freeze, CFA:
“The Wave Principle suggests that the S&P 500 Index is completing a 60-year, five-wave motive structure. If this analysis is correct, it also suggests that a multi-year, three-wave corrective structure is immediately ahead. We do not make explicit price forecasts, but the Wave Principle proposes to us that, at a minimum, the lows of 2009 will be surpassed as the corrective structure completes.”Anything is possible, and if he is right, such a decline will eclipse the 85% decline of the Dow following the 1929 peak when stocks last reached what seemed to be a “permanently high plateau.”We Play The Probabities
The probability is that we will see the 5-10% correction which will be used to increase our exposure.Just don’t dismiss the possibilities.“You play the probabilities; but prepare for the possibilities.”