Much to Beijing’s chagrin, a team of Chinese scientists on Friday revealed that symptoms of the virus first emerged as early as Dec. 1, much earlier than the Wuhan government’s initial announcement of the first 27 cases on Dec. 31. The notion that the virus may have been transmitted to humans via consuming bats, rats, badgers or snakes was widely reported in the Western press, even by CNN.
Doctors also identified 13 other patients who had no contact with the market, which helps build the case for human to human transmission.
The absence of a link to the seafood market is one of the indicators for human-to-human transmission of the virus and the researchers identified another 13 patients who also had no direct exposure to the market.“Taken together, evidence so far indicates human transmission for 2019-nCoV,” the report said. “We are concerned that 2019-nCoV could have acquired the ability for efficient human transmission,” the researchers added, along with a strong recommendation for precautions such as fit-tested N95 respirators and other personal protective equipment.***************************************************Right! Many of those cases JUST appeared in the past day or two; confirmed cases, so we will have to give them a week or so to die off before we get the BIG picture.As for the “official” commie #’s, the “dead” out number the “recovered”That would confirm greater than 50% mortality rate… if they’re not lying. And if they are, and the numbers are greater (which I suspect they are) of infected, what kind of mortality rate would cause a government to lock down 18 cities in 4 days???