The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that flu kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people around the world every year. Not sure how this is any worse? Sounds like more doom porn. And I love doom porn.
All the other alarms SARS, Zika…etc never triggered my internal concern. There’s something about Coronavirus that just feels different.Thats just me though.
I think everyone knows this is the big event., yes I am prepared.
This is a Ro 2 virus, its gonna get way out of hand. I thought the W.H.O not calling it an epidemic was way out of line and over politicized.
This virus should be derailing the headlines, instead of the russian impeachment BS
Forty million people restricted should raise anyone’s alarm bells.
Closing the cities if true should be a clue this one is either the mother of all all false narratives or legit doom.
The ante has been upped in either case.
Best wishes to all and to all good luck!