They camped out all night in the cold to get inside stores bars giving specials like the MAGA Rita drink.
Huge Turnout at Trump Rally In New Jersey
It was probably tears of joy that white goober who if the shoe fits had to make something up it so wasn’t directed at him this time.
CNN’s Don Lemon Asks Whether A ‘Black Hole’ Swallowed Malaysian Plane (VIDEO)
CNN Calls Trump Supporters Stupid Illiterate Rednecks
Don Lemon howls with laughter as panel imitate southern accents
…and we’re DEPLORABLE, too!
I pulled out a old book was looking for a story in it and ran into this. I think it was already too late then but not as bad as it is now. These people moving to other states need to be more informed and and use critical thinking skills to question these demos propaganda. Not just sit back believe what ever the tell them and vote in the same problems. How many times have they been proven false. Don’t let this happen in your state…
In this book it talked about unmanaged immigration which is now a global problem and expanding to propaganda even in schools. Same people who abandon the homeless. Now their going to charge home owners in one city 300 each to clean up the mess the homeless made.
Summed up:
One time with proper policies immigration was a blessing. Immigration is not a neutral factor in the maintenance creation of welfare. If fosters and expands constituencies who favor the extension of welfare programs which they benefit, In 1990 welfare participation as a whole was 9.1 percent that is 1.7 percent higher than Americans as a whole. National review 1994
Washington is asking Californians not only to tolerate four million illegals but also school them, look after their health and pay them welfare benefits. So it’s time for voters to stop putting up with this situation. Because the burden of immigration is greater than our resources to cope with it. National review 1994
I didn’t mention their names because these days they could be harassed.
I feel for yeah. I’ve seen these people in LosAngeles. They didn’t listen when they had the chance or were scared of a oppressive government. They had to learn the hard way when except for a few pocket areas it was too late to vote it out. Now a large percentage are living in another state.
I think she would rather take the gas pipe than watch Fox News.
I just try not to talk politics with her. It’s pointless.
Someone once said, “Mother Nature will take care of over population.”
But yet these demos want open unmanaged borders.
The far more devious, subtle, but potent intent is to dial in just the right mortality rate to crash China’s economy and with it it’s political system. All without firing a single missile.
With a mild 3 to 6% mortality rate, the intent cannot possibly be to reduce the population anywhere. That’s just basic math (ye math numbskulls and logic failures).The far more devious, subtle, but potent intent is to dial in just the right mortality rate to crash China’s economy and with it it’s political system. All without firing a single missile.
If the Swine epidemic doesn’t crash the CCP, maybe this nCoV will. If not, the next version — with a 10-20% mortality rate — might.
Re SILVER, versus GOLD, Adjusted For Inflation, Food For Thought
Since entering the workforce, in 1962, and getting married in 1965, most of the inflationary price increase changes I remember average 20 times more now than back in the day. In other words if a cup of coffee was .10 cents figure $2 a cup today plus or minus.
I remember we almost bought a house for $12,000, X 20 $240,000 estimate, and one on the waterfront $18,000 X 20 $360,000 estimate. They are more that though, more like $375 to $400k and $500k to $550k. on the water. There is a small cheap house for sale for $315k right now.
If I remember right, you could switch a paper $1 bill for a $1 silver dollar. You can get Silver Dollar today for around $20 plus or minus re condition. Or key date. Factor of 20.
Gold? When we were first allowed to buy it was $140/oz X 20? Should be $2800/oz today.
Silver Dollars were $1 and Silver Eagles today are $22.42, factor of 22, about where it belongs.
Therefore, we can say that Gold is more under priced than Silver. However, Silver being like a Penny stock can go crazy high and crazy low. We have seen both. Under $5/oz in many many years and $40 in 1980 $45 in 2011.
Silver Chart:
Gold chart:
She doesn’t know she’d watching propaganda news that is promoting dictators.
Suggest she watch Fox News at least.
Talked to my sister last night
She was afraid that Trump was going to become a dictator. I assured her that it wasn’t going to happen. She watches MSM regularly and I think it’s affected her mind.
Much better than the earlier report today
Wallbridge Continues to Intersect High-Grade Gold Over Significant Widths In Lower Tabasco Zone
TORONTO , Jan. 28, 2020 /CNW/ – Wallbridge Mining Company Limited (TSX:WM, FWB: WC7) (“Wallbridge” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the intersection of 43.47 g/t Au (23.57 g/t Au cut) over 19.00 metres in the Lower Tabasco Zone on its 100%-owned Fenelon Gold Property (“Fenelon” or the “Property”). This interval is approximately 120 metres below the intersection of 22.73 g/t Au (18.87 g/t Au cut) over 48.01 metres in hole FA-19-086 (see Wallbridge Press Release dated December 03, 2019 ) and highlights the excellent potential for similar exceptional, high-grade intersections within the Lower Tabasco Zone.
For someone who wouldn’t normally get the nomination is he now digging his own hole deeper?
Biden just announced he’d like to have Moochelle as his VP. Guess he knows it so pandering. He forgot the unemployment handouts, free health care, education to the immigrants while he was at it.
30 years or the wall
Harvard Chemistry Chair & Two Chinese Nationals Arrested For Lying About China Ties, Smuggling “Biological Material”
deer79 – agree
I suspect silver is more important because of its’ use in electronics. Gotta keep em’ cheap or the economy dies.
Gold only matters to the currencies. Both are way too easy too manipulate.
I was really hoping the days of silver down 3+% were down for awhile, but once again they can take it down anytime whether it’s overbought or not, which it isn’t.
So when they’re done beating the crap out of it, we can bet it will take a couple months to get back the gains.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The Portuguese 10-year note yield is 0.4%. Now on what planet does that make any sense at all?
Central Banks on a global basis have the global economy and global markets in the ICU unit, and they are on the life support system of money printing. I’ll give you an example. So, let’s look at the global debt scenario. Global debt is now $255 trillion, Mike, that’s up 50% since 2008. Government debt is up 80%, nearly 80% since 2008, the great credit crisis. But you ask yourself, what is the Portuguese, for example? The Portuguese 10-year note yields in this tsunami of new debt that’s been issued?
You know, back in 2000 as well, the PIGS, remember the PIG countries, their debt, Greek debt, the yield was 40%, Portugal and they were up at double digits. Italy, Greece, Ireland, Spain. The Portuguese 10-year note yield is 0.4%. Now on what planet does that make any sense at all? I mean, let’s just do a thought experiment for a second, Mike. Let’s just say that you knew that tomorrow the ECB, the Bank of Japan, and the Fed were going to make announcement. The announcement is that we will be ending QE and we will not buy when the assets mature… we will not roll over any more of that debt, corporate debt, sovereign debt, all that will be rolled off. What do you think would happen to the stock market? I think that it would be lock limit down.
I’ll tell you when it’s going to end. I can’t tell you the date but I have a model that lets me know when to short the market, and believe me when I tell you, this crash is going to be something like we’ve never seen before. It could even dwarf the NASDAQ debacle of 2000, from 2000 to 2002.
I’m looking for a bust in junk bond yields. When junk bond yields implode, because that’s the nucleus of the crisis, that is when you’ll see me go net short the market in my portfolio, in the inflation/deflation and economic cycle model. And when will the junk bond market implode? Whenever the U.S. enters a recession and/or, because it could be both, and/or inflation begins to run intractable. That is when the market will implode. That is when we’ll have our reality check. That is when hopefully we make a lot of money for our investors while the chaos runs rampant around the world.…
Mr.Copper @ 13:09
Yup…when we are all dead.
@deer79, re Silver.
Doesn’t silver just PISS YOU OFF?? I have some, I gave up on Silver a long time ago and went to gold (the blue chip) coins instead, and did better percent wise. I remember when Silver hit $50 around 1980, and even at $35-$40/oz you could buy a house with $1000 face value bag of pre ’64 junk silver coins. Today it would take 30 $1000 bags for a typical $400k home. But eventually silver will up and surprise everybody.
Any reason why Silver is down 3.5% today? Any financial outlets talking about a huge move like that? Of course not. Because they can. The more this outrageous manipulation goes on, the more I think that Silver really is one of the key assets for the Cretins to control.
Or someday
an electric car will run you over. Giggle
Well , the mining shares yesterday predicted the 10 am knee to the groin this morning
They have gold below the Friday close at Kitco .
Maddog – re: Tesla @8:48
Good one !
But a fairly expensive solution , LOL