GoldTent Oasis is dedicated to our friend and founder John F. Murphy (Wanka) of Key West, Florida without whom this website would not exist. Gone but never forgotten.
ENTER ~ Post by the Golden Rule. Gentlemanly conduct is the attire of the day. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts DYODD. ~~~~~~~
I’d say he gained many more supporters as he recognized and honored many every day Americans for their dedication and sacrifice. Best content I’ve heard that I can recall. Then to watch Nancy Pelosi rip up Trump’s speech at the end sure made her look like a selfish, vindictive and hateful old witch that should step down and accept her defeat sure didn’t gain her any supporters. They say beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes all the way through. IMO Nancy gets the ugly award for the night, unable to even keep a neutral attitude during the speech but looked to be sucking on a very sour lemon. IMO you’re done Nancy!
There are a handful of stocks in which institutions and individual investors have recently piled into. This behavior is emblematic of all bull markets once they begin to hit the manic phase. Wall Street falls in love with a few high-growth darlings and takes their valuations up to the thermosphere.
If you add up the market capitalizations of just four stocks, Google (Alphabet), Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon, their combined worth exceeds $5 trillion. If you throw in Facebook, you get the top 5 biggest firms by market capitalization, and they compose an amazing 18% of the S&P 500. Another way of looking at this is that the market cap of a full 282 companies in the S&P 500 now equals the same as the top 5 behemoths.
Again, this is not dissimilar to what has occurred in past blow-off tops. Recall the NASDAQ internet craze in the late ’90s and the Nifty Fifty bubble mania of the late ’60s and early ’70s. In the 694 days between January 11th, 1973, and December 6th, 1974, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost over 45% of its value, but many stocks in the Nifty Fifty fared much worse. The disaster was even more dramatic. It caused 5 trillion dollars of equity to vanish and wiped-out nearly 80% of market value.
Tesla Stock Suddenly Plunges As Much As $100 In Seconds
Having traded as high as $969, a move of almost $200 higher on the day, Tesla stock suddenly collapsed at 350pm, dropping as much as $100 from $960 to $860 in second in what can only be described as the mother of all red candles…
Boy wouldn’t that be a strange twist? Naturally the share holders would have to hold, NOT sell and then piss the excess money supply into the consumer economy. That might cause hyperflation in real estate, Gold Silver new cars, consumer electronics etc.
But most of the share holders already have what they need, so may just keep plowing unneeded un spent fake money into Gov’t Bonds, driving down interest rates even lower.
Lets face it. This whole fake artificial man made financial system has distorted reality. It has needed repair and adjustment so many times, its like a bondo bucket taxi cab in NYC.
That is really interesting about gamblers. Never knew that.
Would sure like to see some sign of life in the pm’s or the shares in the last couple of hours today.
The SM action is ridiculous. Must be confounding all the players after last Friday. Makes me think the downside in the SM had more to do with the impeachment than the virus.
republicans – a landslide for trump, as expected.
democrats – well, we don’t know. they haven’t decided yet.
common core math?
haven’t heard from the graveyards yet?
no agreement over whether dogs and cats can vote?
party bigwigs can’t agree on how they want it to be?
Tesla’s shares spiked another 20% this morning, or by $160, to $940 a share. Every time I write a few words, I have to go back and change the number again, because the price just keeps shooting higher. So far this year, TSLA has shot up 120%.
It could very well be that by this evening, shares are down by $300 or whatever, or that they’re at $1,100. They’re floating up high in the outer space or irrationality, and can go anywhere. So this the WTF chart of the new year with Tesla’s share price frozen at 9:51 AM Eastern Time (stock price data via YCHARTS):
Equities are having quite a nice rally today. And it’s a global phenomenon. My guess is the majority of traders took one look at their screens this morning and did a double take. And then began scouring the news to learn the reason.
Aside from all of the reasons which may or may not have been the cause of the global equity move, it’s tempting to give some credence to the theory that the mess in Iowa last night was a contributing factor. Traders have their own unique priorities and worldview.
Maybe the gamblers playing in the Gold futures market, on big margin, went long on gold too late, and at too high prices, and are just naturally panicking out, in a hurry selling paper, exaggerating the down move.
Re the regular stocks? Maybe the same thing, over confident gambler, shorters came in too late and too high and are ALSO panicking out or cashing out, (buying to cover) in a big hurry. Lock in profit or cutting loss most likely imo.
They say gamblers have a subconscious desire to lose. (buy high and sell lower) That’s why when they WIN? They keep right on playing until they “succeed” and lose money. I read the desire to lose starts at about three years old.
The Demonrats really look like the party of nutbags. When your true frontrunner is a socialist who has never worked a real job in his life and lived in a van before becoming the mayor of a small town, you’ve got to know you’re in serious trouble.
Even when Trump goes off the rails on twitter like he does on occasion, he looks like a saint.
I also saw that article about the pm shares and seasonals. Great timing. ZH always has the best timing when it comes to pm’s. LOL.
The zigzags are labeled W and Y (and Z, if a triple).
ZIGZAGS (5-3-5)
A single zigzag in a bull market is a simple three-wave declining pattern labeled A-B-C and subdividing 5-3-5. The top of wave B is noticeably lower than the start of wave A, as illustrated in Figures 11 and 12.
Occasionally zigzags will occur twice, or at most, three times in succession, particularly when the first zigzag falls short of a normal target. In these cases, each zigzag is separated by an intervening “three” (labeled X), producing what is called a double zigzag (see Figure 13) or triple zigzag. The zigzags are labeled W and Y (and Z, if a triple).
“the mkt is sensing a republican landslide, sweeping the house AND senate”
That might be the real reason for the market rally. Pretty clear the SM loves what Trump is doing.
Wish pm’s did though. These shares are devastating. I’ve gone from up 40% to up 10% three times in the last 6 months. If I hadn’t traded a little it would be much worse.
Amazing with gold still at $1550 and silver at $17.50 how bad the small cap shares are today.