GoldTent Oasis is dedicated to our friend and founder John F. Murphy (Wanka) of Key West, Florida without whom this website would not exist. Gone but never forgotten.
ENTER ~ Post by the Golden Rule. Gentlemanly conduct is the attire of the day. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts DYODD. ~~~~~~~
Infectious disease scientist Neil Ferguson estimates coronavirus could be infecting 50,000 people a day.
He may be correct, as the data coming out of China look suspicious.
A steady rate of 3,000 diagnoses per day points to the upper limit of detection kits that are available to the health workers.
In a video published Thursday, infectious disease scientist Professor Neil Ferguson said coronavirus could be infecting around 50,000 people a day in China. Worse, he estimates the cases will double every five days. Those numbers are baffling.
It is possible with all our pessimism, none of us have a clue just how bad it is. It could be so bad that they really don’t dare tell us because they think we would freak and harm ourselves and the world with the reaction. It could be so bad that every unreasonable measure at containment makes sense if we knew the scope and the nature of the disease. They may need to keep everyone away from everyone and decontaminate areas where sick people have been or else it WILL spread.
>China should come clean with what they did
They already did. This article is published in the Journal of Virology (2017) from a researcher in Wuhan Institute, bragging about how by introducing some strategic HIV gene segments into the bat Corona virus he was able to make the virus attack humans via the ACE2 receptors.
>Someone may want to archive this article before it’s pulled down.
t’s amazing how impatient modern society has become.
Here we have a virus, however it came to be. In two months, TWO MONTHS, it has effectively destroyed China economically and put essentially their entire urban population under strict quarantine.
Isn’t that moving quick enough to suit you guys?
The thing that throws me is the supposed fact that it was first discovered early December. That seems like a long time as far as people infecting each other for over a month and a half before any lockdowns started. It just seems like it would be everywhere by now……..
Let me help you with the States.
First, you need the seeds. These act like “case 1” in their respective area.
Next, you need to wait for them to report. This can be 1-3 weeks, apparently.
Third, you need the set of people they infected to roam about for another 1-3 weeks.
Symptoms don’t lead to reporting in early stages. Severe symptoms do.
This puts you about 4-6 weeks out, so far. Another week, or two, after and you’ll start to see numbers start to take off.