A Nickel Plate steam classic in Pennsylvania
Then I seen the ZH article Maddog referenced…incredible…that is why I switched to VXX to play lo these past many months…I got tired of getting kicked in the teeth by the gold cartel…
Its obvious the loser market manipulators (sorry – I meant market managers) are desperate when — after hours the paper markets surge upwards and the real money commodity market droops down as if there is no value in tangible assets. I ain’ scared.
So $3 Billion in a Notional Dump and they couldn’t take pm’s negative?
Maybe it’s just me but it sure takes a lot more to crush pm’s these days. Didn’t even take them negative.
So tonight, the SM futures are trying to make a comeback and of course pm’s are retreating. Just wondering if that will last through the night after a weak close in in the SM.
Stocks had an ugly close today so you would think they will slide further.
So hopefully PM’s start to gain some respect with a sleeping public.
See my post to Buygold about shipping and insurance cover….u gotta think that supply chains are gonna be affected for months, as the virus moves around and places get shut down.
Growth is gonna be hit bad for at least 6 months…and that happens with a mkt priced for perfection, to infinity and debt levels through the roof.
DOW down 1000
Gold up $10 bucks
……… right
Evening Friends
the madness continues.
This whole period will be written up in wonder at the insanity.
That’s for sure.
Can’t allow any excitement in the sector.
It would be nice to see the Comex option writers (the banks) pay out on higher strikes tomorrow. This would show they are in trouble, especially if open interest contracts today.
Not holding my breath however, as again, they committed to a suicide mission long ago and have no choice but to take on all comers.
They will have an unfixable problem when the physical runs out however, which will hopefully be this year.
I doubt that…. much more likely they are trying to kill the rally.
Scum is still with us. No doubt GLD was way overbought but SLV still had room to run.
The small cap pm shares have been the tell all day. Some of the crappy ones like EXK have gotten even more crappy. No surprise. The scum will fight us all the way no matter what the SM does.
SM and Bonds have barely moved during this smash…..this is scum bullying and panicking…..SSRM is the tell, they have had it down all day, telling their the smash was coming.
Right you are. Call of the Wild should be required reading for youngsters in perpetuity.
Must have been a great adventure! I think Jack London captured the flavor of it.
As it stands, no price available.
P.S. New ticker SBSW $12.26 -.37 cents (-2.93%)
Wonderful shots. What a time to have been alive.
Try these links….looks v strange, as the seem to have changed the NYSE ticker to SBSW,,,,,but I can’t see any announcement……v odd…hope this helps
3333 was the trigger point. The SPX is now through the 50 dma with the 200 at 3043. If there is no bounce today the later target comes into play, maybe as early as tomorrow morning.
The only thing I could fine?
“”The new holding company will be called Sibanye-Stillwater and the gold subsidiary will retain the name Sibanye Gold Limited”.”
I’m blind here. If anybody can find the new ticker pass in on thank you.
Yep that was nice … but want more … It’s a long road back. Don’t want to end up in Cat Food Acres!
Some guy is on bubblevision right now said encouraging that virus numbers in China are coming down. LOL