Stick a fork in Hawaii…
HAWAII HAS IT! The ‘Grand Princess’ off California has 21 cases of COVID-19 confirmed aboard. One passenger who debarked at Honolulu has now tested positive as the first case in Hawaii now. Now we wait to see how many locals the ‘silent spreaders’ at the ports have infected. Give it two weeks and I believe we will see cases on the four ports here that the ship visited. There goes the Hawaii tourist industry. Stick a fork in it.
I’m sticking to the ranch… far from tourists.
Captain Hook
“covering their shorts with prices at relatively elevated levels signals price are going much higher because they are getting out of the way.”
I’m looking forward to it! We haven’t seen this in quite some time.
ipso facto @ 19:36
Screw being fair (I know you are only joking). These cretins (code for assholes) would keep PMs in the doghouse forever if you let them. The fact they are covering their shorts with prices at relatively elevated levels signals prices are going much higher because they are getting out of the way. They can no longer suppress real world constraints the corona-virus is exposing.
Just look at earnings. The silver producers won’t last long if prices remain at these levels.
I think once the majority of losses in stocks are seen in coming weeks silver will explode higher.
The gold/silver ratio is close to topping out somewhere around 100 here – a multi-generational high.
Talked to my son the budding Dr. – 3rd year med student at the University of Washington – now doing his family medicine rotations in Boise. Apparently, UW has shut down their med school classroom sessions and having the students do their work remotely.
Course he now sounds like a Dr. when he speaks, but no doubt they are taking this very seriously and he expects to be exposed as will the physicians /staff he works with.
I guess the big thing is the respiratory nature of the virus and it’s effect on the lungs, which is why it’s so tough on the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions or are pre-disposed to lung issues or cancer.
Said no doubt it will get a lot worse in terms of spreading and the death rate will be higher than the regular flu, but not such a threat to younger or healthy people. Still a lot they don’t know.
That’s his story and he’s sticking to it.