Do you think it’s possible its the gov’t or its lackeys’ Goldman, and JP Morgan selling out to finance gov’t spending? Pluss, what about the GLD hoard (financed by little people) that can be raided by big share holders, like Goldman or the Treasury Dept itself?
Who is buying or taking delivery of the physical out of GLD warehouse??? And moving it to where?? Fort Knox? Sooner or later TPTB idiots have to rebuild or REVERSE, the low valued US Dollar, back into a HIGH valued US Dollar.
I’ve seen pennies and dimes on floors being swept up and throw in garbage. Even detailing filthy cars, I’ve vacuumed up coins. A Penny or two is supposed to be equal to a postage stamp. In a sense, they have to restore the value of the Penny. A dime should be equal to a cup of coffee.