The Treasury mkt is all over the place….ystdy it dropped 50 % in many of the Notes and near in the 30’s…..that’s near 11000 Dow points…..or @ $ 800 in Au !!!!!
It will take a while to recover, if it does, as some must have been butchered….One poss is we are loading the slingshot here, to hit Zero or less……or does this sell off mean that rates are gonna back up, due to all the printing…in that case the SM is dead.
If Bonds go into a bear mkt, the SM will tank and the only place left after cash is PM’s….dare the scum keep crushing PM’s, as if they are found out and they will be, it’ll be pitchforks and lamposts…if they’re lucky…just imagine the fury.
Wanka will be proven correct and Lamposts R Us, will thrive.