OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Samb @ 20:19 It was a late night string in 2004, I’ll Paste It In,

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 20:42 on March 21, 2020  

@ Maund re 21:44

(Mr.Copper) Nov 28, 22:43

Part: “The United States is a country that has been living way beyond its means for a long, long time, and has been able to get away with it until now because of the dollar’s reserve currency status, and also because of the curious appetite of foreigners for US assets and securities.”

ans. I can’t buy that statement, because the US lost numerous tax paying industries and jobs to other countries who depend on their livelyhoods by selling to the United States. It’s the rest of the world that got away with something imo.

Part: There is another dimension to the dollar crisis now almost upon us that should not be overlooked or underestimated, and that is the effect of the tremendous loss of esteem and respect from the rest of the world that the United States once enjoyed,”

ans. Of course they had respect while they earned their living, and made a killing selling to the US. Now they see their picnic is ending and don’t like it. 🙂

Part: “The rest of the world are the US’ creditors and therefore have a lot of power. The rest of the world hold a lot of US dollars and US dollar denominated assets, and might just decide to sell them, fast. This is, I believe, a potent factor that will greatly exacerbate the dollar’s decline and lead to a much more serious dollar crisis.”

Ans. All they did is hold our interest rates down below the inflation rate, and who needs that?

You could even look at the world’s creditors like a credit card company that keeps extending your credit line for unsecured loans. It’s the creditors problem, not a US problem imo.

They rented out their money just like a landlord rents out a house. They gave up their rights to the property. The tenant, or borrower has possesion, which is 9/10th of the law. 🙂

I see no way but up for the US after the final “whatever”. The world will have to fend for themselves. The international dollar was in their favor anyway as they devalued against it.

How long did they think they were going to get away with that? (Trade deficit) Draining our industries profits and taxes to such a point that the debts got too big for the US taxpayer, and can’t be paid off until we start exporting into a surplus.


@MrCopper Much of what Mr Maund has said is correct.

(AuAg_Tsunami) Nov 28, 23:00

Is it that maybe your being bit too thin-skinned? Let’s not forget who stepped up to the plate in first place.The US chose to be the world’s dominate economy.

The US has been living the high life for many decades by exporting it’s inflation to the rest of the world so it’s citizens can drive gas guzzling cars.

Don’t start me!


Mr. Copper

(ColonelKrueger) Nov 28, 23:07

I think you have a point on the US recovery. The one asset the US has is the mind set of the average American. They believe there isn’t any thing they can’t do. They just need to loss their jobs to get motivated to start business.



(Mr.Copper) Nov 28, 23:40

Hi guys, I hope you’re not made at me. Just my observations, or view.

You know, I don’t think the US wanted to fight in WWII, which ended with us as having the only standing factories, so yes we were exporting to the world and living good for a while, until 71′ thanks to fed fiat.

I don’t understand how the US exports inflation, the Fed maybe? Anyway I heard a dollar goes very far in a other countries but not here.

If you consider the US a land mass only, then YES, the US absorbed the worlds stuff and left it’s own stuff in the ground for later use. Stuff to stuff the US is ahead.

If you consider the US a group of taxpaying people? then NO because their tax dollars did a lot to help other people throughtout the world, no?

Many American businesses and people have a declining living standard would be better off with a trade surplus.

Would you agree that a countries people are better off with a trade surplus? Imo, the country who dies with the biggest surplus wins.

The country with the biggest deficit loses. Thats’s the US, we already lost no? Should I get a lobotomy? Am I getting false beliefs? Hey I admit I could be wrong in my thinking. I do not have a phd in anything. 🙂


mr copper 23:40—i disagree…you have a phd in the school of ‘life’…gtv500/10 my li ny friend




Re Gas Guzzling Cars

(Mr.Copper) Nov 29, 00:05

Imo, if you live in a high tax socialist country you can’t afford to drive a V/8.

If you live in a lower tax capitalist country you can afford to drive a V/8.

I’ve been driving one since I was an entry level kid, and I REFUSE step down now. It’s a standard I want to maintain. 🙂

My observation is as the US is gradually getting socialest, I see more and more Americans forced to stepping down to small economy cars and rishing their lives.

Most people I know with gas guzzlers don’t use them too much. The people who drive a lot use economy cars, and in reality they burn more fuel than the V/8 people, because they work far from home.

Maybe tptb should mandate a maximum comute distance. Anyway I do not believe anything the cabal media says or implies, and you have to assume tptb (international business) want cheap fuel and energy for themselves,

so they want us little people to ride a moped if they had their way and they use the media to bad mouth SUVs etc.

It’s the factories and jet aircraft and ships that are gas guzzlers imo.



(Mr.Copper) Nov 29, 00:08

Roger that Wanka, you’re a real gentlman. Have to shut down now so have to say good night. 🙂


Mr.Copper……………..A doctorate?…………………

(goldrunner) Nov 29, 00:23

Mr. Copper, I have my doctorate, but I learned most everything I know from a bunch of coal miners and farmers. They are my heroes. You are my hero, too, along with Wanka, Ment, FLgold, and so many others.

And has anyone run into Roger Babson, anywhere? I think we need some more train(ing).



@ Mr Copper Of course I ain’t mad.

(AuAg_Tsunami) Nov 29, 00:29

Don’t take too much notice of me. I tend towards being a bit too vocal sometimes.

Your comments are proof that your more intelligent than you admit to yourself.

At the end of the day though, the US has needed the rest of the world almost as much as the rest of the world has needed the US. The US has undeniably offered so much to the world in a variety of ways, particularly as you suggest post WWII as well as during.

If it wasn’t for the efforts of the US Fleet most of the Pacific would have been consumed by the Japanese. Not to mention their direct effort in seriously shortening the length of the conflict in Europe.

As far as exporting inflation you are so close you have virtually answered your own question.

When the US decided to become the world’s reserve currency it also made the decision to take on all the responsibility that comes with such a role.

Discarding the gold standard gave the US Fed an open ticket to inflate as much as they like.

Under normal circumstances Central Bank can only print for a limited period before inflation creates a crisis of confidence.

However the Fed had the advantage of having the wold’s reserve currency.Thus they had a huge market to continue exporting their dollars to the rest of the world.

This is fine as long as the rest of the world was prepared to accept them.

For so long the appetite for USD’s has been huge,BUT due to the irresponsible and one would have to say arrogant actions of the US Fed,most of those USD are now about to come flooding back home.

The ramifications of what is now unfolding will have a lasting impact for decades to come,not just in the US but the whole world.



Mr Copper

(ColonelKrueger) Nov 29, 00:45

I consider you among the greats of this site, or I wouldn’t have post what I did. I have a PhD too. But I cheated, it took 5 army clerks with Selectric II type writers to do the Disortation. After reading most of my post you know why it took so many.


@Mr.Copper: re: your 00:05 post. . .

(TheBox) Nov 29, 04:22

@Mr.Copper: . . .apropos your comment about jets as fuel guzzlers. Everyone knows that hybrid vehicles, bio-diesel, & fuel-cells, et al are viable alternatives for land-based vehicles/buses, etc. What, pray tell, is a legitimate future viable alternative for petroleum-based jet fuel?

I apologize if I posted this querry B4, but your previous post provoked me to respond with this theoretical perplexity. TIA, TheBox. Appreciate


I’ve been away a long time……………….

(Bodie) Nov 29, 22:15

A while back, i felt it necessary to stand back and observe only. A person tends to back his theorems once published, right or wrong. I have seen tremendous profit by watching. Guilt or ego, i’m not sure which, causes me to write tonight.

As some here know, i have been at this for many years. Gold and silver are a passion, maybe even a problem. Gold is truth. Period. Gold is money. Period. Gold is a liability of no one. Pure truth. I recognized this 20 years ago. Converting fiat to gold is easier than convering water to wine. It just is. For many here, it is only about profit and loss. I’m so

sorry. It is about so much more. We are surely entering a period of time which will test your resolve beyond mere money.

Ment is onto this but so few listen. Mr. Copper is on to this but so few see. We are on the cusp of a new order. A day from now, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now. Impossible to know. But the new order is obvious if you will open your eyes.

The intelligence on this forum is awe-inspiring. I am no match for the day to day, week to week, or month to month offered here. But i am able to see. And the future is clear. Very, very clear. Gold will win out. Always has, always will. Truth my friends. Truth. May sound corny. But truth wins in the end. Its the timing we disagree about.

I have waited for this moment for 20 some years. I always knew it would come. It is upon us now. Right now. I feel the need to write this forum as time is drawing short. There is only one protection for you and your family. Gold and silver. Position yourself as you see fit. But position yourself. We are about to embark on times you read only in a history book.

Hope this didn’t sound too weird or corny. I know in my heart it is so.



@(coupdegrace) Mystery of the dollar (exchange rates) 21:37

(Mr.Copper) Nov 29, 22:38

Part or art from Omaha World-Herald regarding how the US should support the dollar.

“There is one other step the United States could take, and it would be a sound one: Encourage more savings (and thus reduced consumption) by Americans. Many economists have noted the need for Americans to make this shift.”

What I want to know is how these silly articles get in the newspaper. Most of the story was informative but when I got to that part shown above I said whaaat?

The Americans will do what the Federal Reserve (founded by some bankers from England and foisted onto the dumb American representatives in 1913) wants them to do.

In 1980 the buffoon Paul Volker et al wanted us to stop spending and save money, so they raised rates to 21%, and it worked fine.

Everybody dumped inflation hedges and bought CDs paying 18% and T-Bonds paying 16%. A 999% no brainer.

Recently the Fed decided they want Americans to SPEND money so they lowered the rate to 1% for savers and 5% for borrowers to spend money. It worked fine. The entire consumer market is over bought.

Now these media idiots want us to SAVE money now? At 1-2% no less? People aren’t that stupid, so they’ve been putting excess funds into real estate and stocks.

Why don’t they just admit the situation is like a tangled up fishing line because of fiat money and manipulation.  What made the bankers think they could do a better job managing the economy than the “Invisible Hand” of capitalism. 🙂


Mr. Copper, 22:38, you are a genius

(AAA) Nov 29, 23:28

That is the whole supply demand issue in nut shell. Left to it’s own devices mother nature and the invisible hand take care of things. Intervene and you get a mess. There are always winners and losers and the whole idea is to be ready before the storm hits.

Great insight as always. Love your posts.




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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.